What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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About RxBCh13f10

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  1. Request: A script that forces the oddball to reset when falling out of bounds or off the map, similar to the fall timer.
  2. Since the January 2019 update released new skulls for CE on MCC, I thought I might try recreating All-Skulls-On for CE PC (Non-MCC) using the refined mod. However, I could only do them temporarily using the Realtime Editor (gameeditor), sure there's an option to save tags, but I wanted to have permanent effects. This is to be done without the use of Open Sauce. The skull effects I can at least recreate so far are: - Mythic Fog and Malfunction are just partially the blind skull so I'll just put blind skull here - Blind - Recession Eye Patch is out of the question since we obviously use keyboard and mouse anyways - Grunt Funeral - Boom - Anger - Catch - Sputnik - Thunderstorm - Tough Luck The skulls I would need help or don't know how to create the effects are: - Foreign - Black Eye - Pinata - Grunt Birthday Party (Possibly replacing audio files of grunt "death instant" voices) - Ghost - Sputnik for meleeing vehicles - That's Just... Wrong - Iron The footage below shows me just experimenting with a plethora of skull effects but they're not final. When hiding the 1st person model of weapons, it disables melee.