What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!
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New Logo

I feel it might be time to have a new Logo for OC, especially as our current one is something I whipped up quickly. I'm awful at the arts.


Where are these logos even shown? The site's Favicon (browser tab icon), the Meta Image (logo shown when a link is embedded), and our Discord server's logo.




What we need if we want to replace this is a 320x320 image, and a 96x96 version that looks good scaled down to 16x16, such as what a favicon is typically rendered at.


These don't need to be designed in a vacuum either; post your progress here if you'd like feedback!



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In the event there are multiple entries that I think are a good fit, we will have a public poll to decide the winner!

Sceny, (SBB) Storm, Java and 1 other like this

Oddly, this is familiar to you... as if from an old dream.  

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