Posted February 17, 2022 Halo Infinite Monitors (Adjutant Resolution + Despondent Pyre) biped tags Following the release of the Mark VII Core Spartans bipeds from yesterday, today is the turn of the Zeta Halo Monitors seen during the campaign. Both Monitors have new SFX ripped from Infinite, alongisde some custom particle work and other stuff. I've also included Infinite's Monitor dialogues to both Monitors for different actions, but due to the fact that Despondent Pyre only has cutscene dialogues, both use the Adjutant Resolution ones. Feel free to use them to whatever project you're working on! ADJUTANT RESOLUTION DESPONDENT PYRE CREDITS: - 343i/Xbox Game Studios: Original game assets - MrChromed (myself): Porting, rigging, texturing, shaders. DOWNLOAD: Join to our Discord server to see more projects: Sunstriker7, AntiMomentum, (SBB) Storm and 2 others like this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites