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Lumoria Rebalanced



To complement with Lumoria Refined, there is also Lumoria Rebalanced. It features a unique sandbox inspired from Ruby's Rebalanced Halo CE, in turn also complements with Lumoria. Alongside the new sandbox in Rebalanced Lumoria, there are also new encounters and enemy types.



  • Jackal Needlers
  • Elite Ultras (including energy sword and fuel rod gun-wielding variants)
  • Elite Rangers, which are airborne Elites and gives the sandbox more of a challenge even in Legendary.
  • Grunt Ultras (mostly armed with fuel rod guns)
  • Grunt Heavies (same as their Ultra counterparts)
  • Shadow aka the "Creep", which was formerly not drivable in the original, can now be driven.
  • Episode 1: Part 2 now features new music: "Impend" and "Delta Halo Suite: Wage" are both used in place of "High Charity" and "Edge of the Abyss".
  • Stealth Elites in Episode 1: Parts 1 and 2, which can be found in both the river leading to the Spectre/Shadow encounter and the entrance to 734 Antecedent Sage's terminal.
  • Elite Zealots, which also include a new stealth variant. The Stealth Elite Zealot acts as a miniboss in Episode 1: Part 2, where it has a durable energy shield.
  • Special Operations Grunts now have needlers alongside the plasma pistol ones in towards the end of Episode 1: Part 1.
  • Special Operations reinforcements in Episode 1: Part 2. After eliminating the first wave of dropship deployments, the second wave will deploy a Special Operations reinforcement comprising of Elite needler and plasma rifles and Grunt needlers and fuel rod guns alongside the standard Covenant ones.
  • Elites, Jackals and Hunters all have extra dialogue, taken from Halo 2 and 3.
  • Elite Minors and Majors can now throw plasma grenades at you.
  • Secret weapons cache/armory station in Episode 1: Part 2 contains plasma rifles and pistols, needlers, fuel rod guns, shotguns, rocket launchers, health pack and overshield.
  • Standard Marines alongside the armored ones
  • The Marine that attempts to open up the door leading to 734 Antecedent Sage's terminal now drops a shotgun instead of the assault rifle.
  • The left door that is near the right door leading to the mentioned room above is now breakable like in "The Pillar of Autumn".
  • Assault rifles and shotguns can now be seen in the first cutscene of Episode 1: Part 2, stored in the armory station of the Endless Horizon.
  • The dead Marine under where the Elite is stationed at the first outpost of Episode 2: Part 1 now has a fully loaded rocket launcher.
  • Extra shotgun rounds, overshield and active camouflage can now be picked up in Episode 2: Part 2.
  • As you fight the boss in the aforementioned episode, it will call in Elite Rangers for support.
  • End credits is the same as its Refined counterpart, but modified for Rebalanced.
  • Beefy shotgun, pistol and sniper rifle firing sounds and enhanced rocket launcher sounds alongside the plasma rifle firing sounds from Halo 2.










  • CMT and TM Mapping Team: Original maps as basis and Elite Ranger tags
  • MattDratt: Drone, Elite, Jackal and Hunter dialog tags from HaloMaps
  • Vaporeon: Halo 2 music tags
  • Holy Crust: HRHH HUD
  • Jakey: Jackal leg multipurpose bitmaps
  • Ruby of Blue: Rebalanced tags
  • Advancebo: Shadow/Creep tags
Edited by RVandres
(SBB) Storm, Takka, tarikja and 1 other like this

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