Posted December 13, 2021 (edited) Introducing a brand new, fully configurable Zombies game type. Current Version: 1.20 As this script is new, it's possible that there may be bugs. Please report any bugs and feedback here - script changelogs are posted on the same page. Introduction Players in zombies matches are split into two teams: Humans (red team) and Zombies (blue team). When a human dies, they switch to the zombie team. A human's goal is to remain alive (uninfected) until the end of the round, while a zombie's goal is to kill (infect) as many humans as possible. When only one human remains, that human becomes the "Last Man Standing". The Last Man Standing is given unique player traits; including a waypoint revealing their location to zombies, making survival an extreme challenge, among other traits. See more on traits in the features section below. The players who start a round as zombies are Alpha Zombies. Alpha Zombies have unique player traits to distinguish them from standard zombies. Standard Zombies are: Humans who have been infected. Players who joined after a game has already begun will get standard-zombie status. Humans who commit suicide will get standard-zombie status. Zombies have melee weapons at their disposal and are capable of killing humans in a single blow. Humans are given short - and medium-range firearms. Game Type Features: Team Balance: The players who start a round as zombies are Alpha Zombies. The script will dynamically determine how many Alpha Zombies there should be based on how many players are online. Zombies can be cured (on by default): A zombie needs 3 (default) consecutive kills to become human again. * You can configure the kill threshold. Nav Marker (off by default): When enabled, the last man standing will have a nav marker above his head. Note: The kill-in-order game type flag must be set to YES and the objectives indicator flag must also be set to NAV POINTS. Game Messages: Fully configurable game messages. Game Objects: Interaction with weapons, vehicles & equipment can be individually blocked/allowed for Red Team, Blue Team or both teams. Default: All objects are disabled for zombies except for health packs. Humans can use vehicles. Alpha Zombies will have to throw stickies on the vehicles to kill them. Teams: You can set the teams. Humans are on the red team by default. Zombies are on the blue team by default. But you can change that if you so desire. No Zombies Left? No Worries! When there are no zombies (suppose they all left), a timer will count down from 5 seconds (default). After the countdown lapses, a random Human will be selected to become a (standard) zombie. Game Start Delay The game requires a minimum of 2 (default) players online before a pre-game countdown from 5 (default) seconds is initiated. After which the map is reset and the game commences. Traits: Alpha Zombies: Speed 1.5x Health 2x Normal Health (200%) Respawn Time 1.5s Grenades 2x plasmas Weapon Plasma rifle Damage 10x normal damage Abilities Can camouflage while crouching Standard Zombies: Speed 1.4x Health Normal Health (100%) Respawn Time 2.5s Grenades 0 Weapon Skull (oddball) Damage 10x normal damage Abilities None Humans: Speed Normal speed (1) Health Normal Health (100%) Weapons Pistol, Shotgun, Assault Rifle Respawn Time 3s Grenades Two of each Damage 1x normal damage Abilities Can use Vehicles Last Man Standing: Speed 1.5x Health Normal Health (100%) Weapons Map default (no custom assignments) Respawn Time 1s Grenades Four of each Damage 2x normal damage Abilities Can use Vehicles and is capable of regenerating health by 0.0005 units per 30 ticks Please download Zombies on my GitHub release page (link below). The release contains three files: Zombies.lua (sapp script) Zombies-PC (custom game type) Zombies-CE (custom game type) DOWNLOAD PAGE Edited January 8, 2022 by Chalwk Takka, Sunstriker7, Down Under and 5 others like this - I invite you to join my Halo Discord Server. - Add me on discord: Chalwk#9284 - HSP Repo Wiki (new) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites