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Released v2.0

Part of the campaign levels turned into multiplayer maps series.

Author: Legend996
Map: Released
Version: 2.0
Supported gametypes: All except CTF


Released takes place during the early stages of the Covenant explorations and supplies moving into the mysterious hidden facility just before the arrival of the UNSC, with seemingly promising results...

The map supports all game modes except CTF, both team and free for all. Don't start the map on CTF or your game will crash (planned support in the future). Recommended modes are Slayer, King of the Hill and Oddball. This map is symmetrical and pretty straightforward, consisting on two main rooms (set as the bases for red and blue teams) connected to the main hall through small rectangular corridors and smaller side rooms.
The gameplay is divided between the top floor and the bottom floor and strategic moving between them. Most of the fighting will be going on in the main hall, while the small corridors and side rooms might serve as traps for unexpecting victims. Controlling the elevator chamber might also affect the course of a match. Each team has one one-way teleporter in their base, plus two more in the main hall to facilitate movement between floors. All teleporters are represented as teleporter bases for aesthetic purposes.
Red team has easier access to the top floor besides just the teleporter, through a collapsed platform, which is balanced by blue team having one extra corridor with a few items.

Below are the approximate map blueprints showing the bases and routes, suggesting the strategies and dynamics that can be applied:



Edited by Legend996
(SBB) Storm, Takka and tarikja like this

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