
Editing custom maps

Is it possible to edit CE custom maps, similar to using Eschaton on PC maps ?  eg. edit / remove / add camo, ammo spawn points etc ? I was thinking if it could easily be done using HEK maybe ?

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You could edit custom maps with HEK, yeah (just make sure you extract the map's tagset with MEK's Refinery or Invader's invader-extract. The thing is: once you edit such stats, that custom map will become a "new" custom map. It won't be compatible with the "original" custom map since those edits would desync between the two versions.

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If you only edit spawn points of players, weapons equipment and vehicles then it can be used online and the changes will sync provided the customised map is the host.

You should use invader-build to build the map if you plan to do this.


So to do that you would extract the map you plan to edit into a clean HEK tags folder, then edit the .scenario tag with sapien. after you have moved the spawns around, save it and then build the map with invader-build. This should "just work". Careful not to move things like scenery, that will cause de-syncs.

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Thankyou :)


Where can I get hold of invader-build and sapien ?


I won't be moving anything about - it's only to edit ammo, camo spawns etc


One other thing - once edited and saved etc.. would the map auto download to replace the original for those who already have it - or would I need to rename the map?


Thanks again

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18 hours ago, bigblue said:

Where can I get hold of invader-build and sapien ?


Invader has its own forum topic here: 


Check out the links there for the download and github. The github has a very helpful readme which explains how to use the individual programs.


Sapien is part of HEX  HEK which can be downloaded from


18 hours ago, bigblue said:

One other thing - once edited and saved etc.. would the map auto download to replace the original for those who already have it - or would I need to rename the map?


So if you are hosting a modded map, it won't download and replace the original of the people joining your server. I think what you want to do is save the map with the original name and replace the map in your own maps folder. Depending on the changes you made to your version of the map, these should sync to the clients fine. Like Vaporeon said, moving the spawns of weapons/equipment will sync to the clients and they won't need your version of the map downloaded at all.



Edited by Broomish
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