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Borderless windowed or windowed 1920x1080

Hey, I am trying to get Halo:CE working in borderless 1920x1080. if i use -window its limited to 720p, I have tried using -window -Vidmode 1920,1080,60 but this doesn't work, the only mod I have installed is Chimera if that matters?


Is there any mod that works this way?


Thanks for your help.

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Opinion: I wouldn't run Halo in any type of windowed mode as it introduces a lot of input lag, more than expected compared to other games.  Tabbing in and out sucks but if you are using Chimera 1.0 (or using HAC2 custom_chat or classic_chat) you won't have to worry about game crashes from tabbing, and the game resumes rather quickly.  If you want there is even an executable that keeps the engine active even when tabbed out so things don't desync/freeze when the Halo window loses focus. 

Sunstriker7, WaeV and blueblob0 like this

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I use HXE for borderless mode. It works around Halo's window resolution limitation by subtracting the window frame's pixels from the native resolution. So, 1080p borderless is actually around 1060p.


By default, HXE will just start the game, so you have to create a shortcut to it to add `--config` to open the GUI. You can also just start with via a command line terminal (PowerShell, PowerShell Core, Command Prompt, Bash, et cetera).


Downloads are here.

Newer versions are available (0334), but the list hasn't been updated for a while. Miris has been notified.

WaeV, Sunstriker7 and blueblob0 like this

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12 hours ago, Devieth said:

Opinion: I wouldn't run Halo in any type of windowed mode as it introduces a lot of input lag, more than expected compared to other games.  Tabbing in and out sucks but if you are using Chimera 1.0 (or using HAC2 custom_chat or classic_chat) you won't have to worry about game crashes from tabbing, and the game resumes rather quickly.  If you want there is even an executable that keeps the engine active even when tabbed out so things don't desync/freeze when the Halo window loses focus. 

Ahh this is good to know, Where is the executable that keeps the engine active when tabbed out?



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