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Takka and Sunstriker7 like this


"You fix my mistakes is what you do." - Tucker
"You're useless." - Tucker 2 minutes later

"You're sort of cool in some ways." - Kavawuvi


"Fuck off." - Mint Blitz

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Halo 2 testing going fairly well outside of the crazy bugs and people's machines apparently getting bricked with the Windows Store version. Here's a clip I got.



Sunstriker7 likes this


"You fix my mistakes is what you do." - Tucker
"You're useless." - Tucker 2 minutes later

"You're sort of cool in some ways." - Kavawuvi


"Fuck off." - Mint Blitz

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It's so satisfying getting multiple kills with the splaser. 


Oops, I forgot to post my stuff over here as well. I guess I'll be dumping more stuff here:








Takka likes this


"You fix my mistakes is what you do." - Tucker
"You're useless." - Tucker 2 minutes later

"You're sort of cool in some ways." - Kavawuvi


"Fuck off." - Mint Blitz

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If only... If only (Hidden because it's not my screenshot)

Dual-Wielding by Hiro-Hex on DeviantArt


"You fix my mistakes is what you do." - Tucker
"You're useless." - Tucker 2 minutes later

"You're sort of cool in some ways." - Kavawuvi


"Fuck off." - Mint Blitz

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10 minutes ago, Pfhunkie said:

If only... If only (Hidden because it's not my screenshot)


I once modded that into H2V back in the days. It was entirely useless and FP animations were kinda broken :lol:


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Just imagine if it wasn't, though. Make it so you switch between them to avoid the cooldown, swinging from enemy to enemy.... Beautiful.


Also, got this from a game we were playing last night. Shows how important it is to start a game of Rat's Nest quickly lol.



Sunstriker7, Takka and tarikja like this


"You fix my mistakes is what you do." - Tucker
"You're useless." - Tucker 2 minutes later

"You're sort of cool in some ways." - Kavawuvi


"Fuck off." - Mint Blitz

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Halo 3 Warthog experience in a nutshell



Sunstriker7 and tarikja like this


"You fix my mistakes is what you do." - Tucker
"You're useless." - Tucker 2 minutes later

"You're sort of cool in some ways." - Kavawuvi


"Fuck off." - Mint Blitz

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