


17 hours ago, Sunstriker7 said:

I played 2 games of team snipers before bed. Halo Reach is definitely best on PC.

Halo is back. ITS BACK. I T S B A C K!

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Wow. Can't believe it actually happened. Havent gamed in a looooooong time but there are a few people rolling in their graves right now. This makes me nostalgic.


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I honestly didn't know it was already on PC, installing now. More psyched for H3 tbh. Gonna get ranked, gonna do some stuff in H1, gonna bring it all back baby.

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9 hours ago, TCK said:

I honestly didn't know it was already on PC, installing now. More psyched for H3 tbh. Gonna get ranked, gonna do some stuff in H1, gonna bring it all back baby.

Me too but we're still a ways away from that D:

Skeezix the Cat, TCK and Enclusion like this

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Played a bit today and was super disappointed in the ranked playlist options. Team hardcore and invasion? The fuck, are you kidding me? Where's doubles? Where's standard slayer ranked?


That said, does run smooth as hell and is more fun than on console, even if I'm still screaming at the screen.


3 hours ago, Sunstriker7 said:

Me too but we're still a ways away from that D:

Join hands with me in seance as we summon it. The time is now.


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I personally was hoping there would be local co-op and I am absolutely not a fan of unlockables being in a predetermined order, but really that's just nitpicking tbh. I just hope that modding methodologies are at least somewhat familiar, once the scene has matured past infancy of course :P

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