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MCC for PC Info Thread

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I've updated the OP with the information and instructions for transferring your old file share content to the MCC on Xbox One. Under heading "Legacy Content Migration"

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Additional information about how Flights work and the process to getting to one. Was posted earlier this month.

They also shared an image of an Elite armor render. Supposedly from the Unreal Engine 4 customization screen they're working on. 


Sunstriker7, Takka and tarikja like this

"You're nothing but a thing to me." -Tucker933 2016   

"Mine's not huge, but neither are my hands, so it's a real good fit." -Badga666 2017                

"It's not incest until it's in." -Caesar 2017

"Poison dart frogs aren't poisonous. Mankind is a poison and the dart frogs are the cure." -Somewhere on the internet 

"I felt left out so I added myself to your signature." -Pfhunkie 2020

"English isn't my primary language. It's also the only language I know." -ShikuTeshi ????
"In the quiet the silence is louder." -My Sister 2021

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Here's the August MCC update.
Nothing special in this one however. Just statistics about the Firefight Flight and that they might do another one for more data. This one was done in Steam to gather data on matchmaking success rates.

Takka and Sunstriker7 like this

"You're nothing but a thing to me." -Tucker933 2016   

"Mine's not huge, but neither are my hands, so it's a real good fit." -Badga666 2017                

"It's not incest until it's in." -Caesar 2017

"Poison dart frogs aren't poisonous. Mankind is a poison and the dart frogs are the cure." -Somewhere on the internet 

"I felt left out so I added myself to your signature." -Pfhunkie 2020

"English isn't my primary language. It's also the only language I know." -ShikuTeshi ????
"In the quiet the silence is louder." -My Sister 2021

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MCC September 2019 Update

  • The development team is split between getting content in and fixing game breaking bugs
  • Some armor customization renders from the UE4 engine are shared. They hint that all the content may not be available at launch
  • An update on their porting of custom content from Halo 3, 4, and Reach making it to MCC
  • The next flight is based around PvP
  • MCC PC will utilize Easy Anti Cheat (they're also aware that they'll need to do work to stop it from flagging unrelated programs like anti-virus programs0
    They specifically said it'll be used to check for modified files. So there will either be server based Anti Cheat or it's not looking very good for the modding community.
  • They've been in contact with Nvidia and AMD to optimize the game as much as possible. But dual GPU set-ups will not be officially supported.
tarikja, Anthony and Sunstriker7 like this

"You're nothing but a thing to me." -Tucker933 2016   

"Mine's not huge, but neither are my hands, so it's a real good fit." -Badga666 2017                

"It's not incest until it's in." -Caesar 2017

"Poison dart frogs aren't poisonous. Mankind is a poison and the dart frogs are the cure." -Somewhere on the internet 

"I felt left out so I added myself to your signature." -Pfhunkie 2020

"English isn't my primary language. It's also the only language I know." -ShikuTeshi ????
"In the quiet the silence is louder." -My Sister 2021

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Third flight is live until November 5th. This is where you'll get to play some good old fashioned multiplayer and 2 campaign missions.


Invites are sent out in waves. If you are not currently a part of the Halo Insider Program, sign up now for free here. You might still get an invite before the test ends.


Here's a release with more info: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/243780d3b80b4bb6ac7917a8942286db/topics/halo-insider-mcc-flight-three-details/8d2b73b1-ded4-4f37-b73e-a246dfd0043d/posts


Also, if you get invited to any flight at all, you have the moral obligation to tell us all about your experience in detail.

Edited by Sunstriker7
changed link at end of post

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I signed up a century ago but still no invite =[

Oddly, this is familiar to you... as if from an old dream.  

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Yeah, me too, and I bet most of us have. But watch it be someone like that Thomas kid who signs up last second and gets an invite.

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I typed out an entire recap with the images and shit but the moment I hit enter after a spoiler it deleted everything... so I'll let you all read it yourselves...
There's a lot of neat info in this one. Notably how low spec of a machine you need to hit 4K 60FPS.

tarikja, Sunstriker7 and Kings like this

"You're nothing but a thing to me." -Tucker933 2016   

"Mine's not huge, but neither are my hands, so it's a real good fit." -Badga666 2017                

"It's not incest until it's in." -Caesar 2017

"Poison dart frogs aren't poisonous. Mankind is a poison and the dart frogs are the cure." -Somewhere on the internet 

"I felt left out so I added myself to your signature." -Pfhunkie 2020

"English isn't my primary language. It's also the only language I know." -ShikuTeshi ????
"In the quiet the silence is louder." -My Sister 2021

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Well that's a wrap then. Upon release I'll scrub the OP and update it if there's any big news. I'll recycle it for Halo CE, too. Feel free to comment still if there's some good news we should all know.

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