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Vic Firth

Custom Commands Accidentally Triggering Multiple Custom Events

Hello Everyone, If anyone can help me with this it would be very much appreciated. I am trying to set up an economy system following the directions in the SAPP Manual.

I have

var_add money 4

in my sapp init file. And I have the following below as some of my commands.

heal1 'cevent heal1 $n' -1
heal2 'cevent heal2 $n' -1
heal3 'cevent heal3 $n' -1
am1 'cevent am1 $n' -1
am2 'cevent am2 $n' -1
am3 'cevent am3 $n' -1

I have made these custom events tied to the custom commands.

event_custom $ename=heal1 $money>=10 'var_set money -10 $n;hp $n 1;rprint $n "100% Health"'
event_custom $ename=heal2 $money>=20 'var_set money -20 $n;hp $n 2;rprint $n "200% Health"'
event_custom $ename=heal3 $money>=30 'var_set money -30 $n;hp $n 3;rprint $n "300% Health"'
event_custom $ename=am1 $money>=10 'var_set money -10 $n;ammo $n 200 5;rprint $n "200 Ammo All Weapons"'
event_custom $ename=am2 $money>=20 'var_set money -20 $n;ammo $n 350 5;rprint $n "350 Ammo All Weapons"'
event_custom $ename=am3 $money>=30 'var_set money -30 $n;ammo $n 500 5;rprint $n "500 Ammo All Weapons"'

The problem I am having is players will type a command such a am1 or heal3, and it wont always trigger the right event and/or it will trigger multiple wrong events not associated with the command.
Can anyone help me? I have re read the section on custom commands and events over and over and I don't know what I am missing.

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