What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!
(SBB) Storm

A little anecdote from my evening grocery shopping

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Evening broskis and sisskis, I was going out to get some grub in my nearest Lidl, when suddenly, something appalling happened.


There was a woman before me who bought quite a lot of things, probs half a cart full - outta those things were two 1.5 l Freeway Orange Lemonade Bottles. The crazy part here is that she PLACED THEM UPRIGHT ON THE CONVEYOR BELT, like seriously, these people have lost control over their lives.


And it happened as anyone would expect. The bottles fell down. Now, you could probably think that the good woman would recognize this and believe it would be useful to lay the bottles down.


But, she decided to put the bottles upright again. It didn't take five seconds until the bottles fell down again, one of em miraculously fell in her purse. Not even blinking an eye, she just put the bottles upright again, so that they fall down again, only to be placed upright again to nicely fall down again.


Seriously, the bottles have probably fell down like eight times already and you'd normally recognize that something had to change here. I was even about to give her advice on how to solve this maybe, but ehh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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She must've had OCD or something..


"Bottles go upright! Dem's the rules!"

(SBB) Storm likes this

Oddly, this is familiar to you... as if from an old dream.  

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My wife put a tall glass of Smirnoff upright on a conveyor belt once and I had to set it down flat. She gave me an angry look like I insulted her. I've decided next time I'm just going to watch the world burn.

Sceny, (SBB) Storm and Takka like this


"You fix my mistakes is what you do." - Tucker
"You're useless." - Tucker 2 minutes later

"You're sort of cool in some ways." - Kavawuvi


"Fuck off." - Mint Blitz

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Having worked in this field it did amaze me the lack of logic customers had.  Even laying multiple items like that down some wouldn't even give thought to them rolling backwards as the belt moved and would get pissed that they had no room for their other items. Like deeeeeer place a solid object behind them and life goes on.

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