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Tucker - when you say converts from CE to PC, any loss of objects, map size, etc.?  I am assuming I could use the resulting map as a custom map type and place on BTCC22's HAC server as a custom HPC map?

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There isn't any loss when converting maps, but you do have to make sure it's unprotected before doing so.


HAC2's map download support is almost exclusively for CE maps. You can ask Bt about it, but he generally doesn't upload maps that don't have a high level of popularity. However that doesn't mean just because a map is popular on CE, that he will add the HPC version to the database as well. There's really no point in doing something like that.

Kavawuvi likes this

Oddly, this is familiar to you... as if from an old dream.  

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Adding to the bump . . .


Is there something I can do on my side to speed up harbinger?  Geez - average map conversion is . . . . 25 to 45 mins even with giving all cores to is and setting it to real time.  It may be dead in development, but it's still widely used - maybe a tweak or two? perhaps a  twerk?

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dude, pearl2 takes 20 seconds to do CE to PC. You're beating a dead horse. Its like asking if someone can tune up your engine to make it faster instead of just using that lambo you have sitting in your driveway. Oh and it was free.

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Yeah, you should use Pearl 2, as recommended in the OP.

NeX likes this

Oddly, this is familiar to you... as if from an old dream.  

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Yes, been there, done that, thank you.  I am a windbag at times, so sometimes it's better to assume I have a reason for asking what I ask, as it's the only way I know how to be BRIEF, so here's the long:


It is my intent/hope that a few selected highly popular CE maps converted to PC would be utilized by HAC2 - AND - appear in the halo 1.10 lobby as the file name, but detected as a converted map thus: filename: bloodgulch, header name 'OMGthisisaNewMap' which could/might be detected by HAC2 (or other methods) - unsure of how it would/could/should be done - but - there are brighter people than me that could do it - as well as require elements needed for HAC2 to ensure compatibility.  Maybe even another function to separate CE map automatic downloads for PC custom map automatic downloads.  We all know that that " 'other' CE map respository" is just too damn slow to update, and download maps - HAC2 kicks their ass coming and going on every front.


Plus, I think there is a bug in the unprotecting using Eternal Lightning, then converting via pearl2, as some tag names are converted to unicode and other unreadable characters.  I used deathstar to unprotect cmt_Snow_grove,  then used map renamer to snowgrove_1 (faced it's re-naming restrictions) all with the intent of having usable tag names for phasor scripting  - but when converting from this unprotected/renamed map via pearl2, I yet again experienced the funk of unicode/unreadable character in the pc version, and noticed that internally compiled scripts (backpack weapons, bsp switch/time of day) were not working.  When I then converted to pc using harbinger - while it took forever, I did not have the funkified characters in the names and messed up scripts.


Here's the Unprotected/renamed CE cmt_Snow_Grove: snowgrove_1


Many of you have spent countless hours making mods for Halo PC/full - wouldn't it be nice to have your map downloadable the same way that CE maps are by HAC2?  btc22whatsisname might only consider this if there is stability and consistency (and demand for it) - and he may also not be willing to try at all, I don't know -(?).


Pearl2 assigned "Custom" names will not appear in the halo 1.10 lobby - UNLESS - you are using xfire, sapp server list, or other means - and when it DOES appear in the lobby - it means you already have the custom named map :)


I posted here, not as a slam on harbinger, nor to devalue pearl2 - but to address the time it takes to convert a map via harbinger that gave me the result I was looking for . . . I don't care how I get there, or even if btc22whatsisname rejects the notion.  I'm an innovator by default - always pushing to do something differently than done elsewhere - hopefully with a desireable outcome . . . and quicker is very desireable.

Edited by NerveBooger

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Plus, I think there is a bug in the unprotecting using Eternal Lightning, then converting via pearl2, as some tag names are converted to unicode and other unreadable characters.  I used deathstar to unprotect cmt_Snow_grove,  then used map renamer to snowgrove_1 (faced it's re-naming restrictions) all with the intent of having usable tag names for phasor scripting  - but when converting from this unprotected/renamed map via pearl2, I yet again experienced the funk of unicode/unreadable character in the pc version, and noticed that internally compiled scripts (backpack weapons, bsp switch/time of day) were not working.

Deathstar renames tags according to the current map name. Try renaming first, then running deathstar.

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What you've said is entirely accurate, although the attitude is a tad unwarranted. The issues you're having stem from simply using old, outdated programs. EL works, its just a hacky method of renaming every tag. It won't work on obfuscated tag data, it won't work on Zteam protection.

Deathstar will.

Harbinger works - but its again, outdated, and won't work for maps converted from data that has been protected in a format that EL can't natively "unprotect".

I'm just trying to help - use Deathstar to deprotect, then use pearl2 to convert.

The fact that it's named."snowgrove_1" indicates you converted to MD and not PC, so try CE to Full instead of CE to MD. I've never had an issue, but I don't know enough detail to explain why that's happening. I just know that deathstar to pearl2 has worked in every instance. The locking mechanism from snowgrove's rocket launcher is what I used for Rev, and it worked like a charm after deathstar.

Give it a shot.

WaeV and Kavawuvi like this


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Thanks for the replies - will try the suggestions.


No attutude attempted or intended Nex, but if you need it - just pull my finger, we can work something out :P

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