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Lol, I find it very funny that it can reflect HUD elements.

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Lol, I find it very funny that it can reflect HUD elements.

I thought it was funnier when the reflections pierced through the held weapons.


If Samuco can fix these issues, then it'd be even better.

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The reflections can be applied to literally everything. I just need to properly decode the object shaders within Halo and include them in the deferred pipeline. 

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In Halo, all of the console messages will fade after 150 frames. If the game is running at 30 frames per second, then it'll fade out after 5 seconds. If the game is running at 60 frames per second, then it's 2.5 seconds. If it's 120 frames per second, then it's 1.25 seconds. If the framerate is uncapped and it ends up running at 600 frames per second, then each message will go away after 0.25 seconds.


This plugin causes each message to fade out after 150 ticks, instead. Assuming the game is running at 30 ticks per second, each message will fade out after 5 seconds regardless of the framerate.



Currently I've only made a HaloMD version, because it especially affects HaloMD, as the framerate is set by default to Vsync.


As HAC2 already fixes it, I'm not sure about porting it to Halo PC/CE, as the default framerate is 30 FPS. Many people (possibly most people) are going to have the default frame rate, plus running the game faster than 30 FPS causes animation bugs which keeps a lot of people from running it any faster. That would mean this tool will not help these people in any way whatsoever, so it may just be a waste of time.


Any opinions?


Interesting stuff - never knew the console message fade was tied to framerate and that HAC2 fixed that. Since HSE® makes prolific use of console messaging on RW servers, this is good to know.


That console messaging is configurable - HSE® generates certain player-specific messages (ones that will never contain UTF-16 like player names), and there's a flag to switch those between chat and console.


It would be interesting to incorporate HaloMD's features in HAC2 or some other client-side mod. But my plate is full at the moment :)



I have developed a proof-of-concept 'netcode translator' that enables players on HaloPC or HaloMD to play on HaloCE servers. I still have a couple of bugs to iron out, but I envision that all of the lobbies could be merged at some point.


Very nice. You need to pursue this further :D

msalerno1965 in steam

[email protected] - email


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Very nice. You need to pursue this further :D


The bugs have been ironed out and now the bridge is completely working. The next step is to merge the HaloCE/HaloPC/HaloMD lobby and handle the map downloading code in an MD plugin. The PC version should follow pretty closely. 

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Halo CE's lobby on HaloMD



All of the servers are joinable thanks to Samuco's plugin. HaloMD's ui.map has the Internet join game button removed, so I'm using Halo CE's stock ui.map, instead.


Also, this list is generated in less than a couple seconds.

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I have been working on a plugin for HaloMD (sorry PC folks!) that lets me run Electron deferred shaders within Halo. Here's the scree-space reflection shader running within MD. The pipeline needs more work, but this shows that it is certainly possible. 




Added un-optimized SSAO and improved reflection




Please can this be ported for Halo PC? 

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