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Paying it forward ~ Good Deeds

I was reversing my car into a park when I saw a man kneeling down with, I presume his son, concentrating hard on brushing his hand.  I could tell he must have had a splinter or something so went over with some tweezers from my first aid kit and offered them to him.  The poor boy, aged about 3, had picked up a prickly pear fruit and had the fine needles stuck in his hand.


It's little things that make me smile and give me a 'feel good' wave over me.  To know that I was able to assist and not just turn a blind eye is important to me.  Paying it Forward is another gesture that seems to be increasing, whether it just be in the social media more or not, still it is happening.


Have you ever paid it forward or been the giver or receiver of a good gesture?




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Just recently I was driving down a main road with my bicycle when suddenly a car, that parked on the sidewalk, emerged without flashing his indicator light.

As I had to quickly change lanes (from sidewalk to main street) without checking for traffic, I did my good deed and gave that man in the car my finger.

I could hear him express his thankfulness through the vehicle and he even tried to quickly speed up to me, got out of his car and thank me personally, twice!

Too bad I was moving at a velocity close if not exceeding c, so I sadly had no time to accept and exchange these gratitude. I've got places to be!

Such is life of a selfless person like I am.

btw: Adrenalin is the best coffee in the morning!

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The other day as I was leaving a restroom and as a guy was entering, he slipped and put one hand on the wall and used his other hand to grip my arm to prevent him from falling. I guess that counts as an involuntary good deed.

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I was walking through Liverpool one day on my way to a hospital appointment, lots of busy roads to cross. Myself and a small collection of other random people were waiting at some pedestrian lights so we could cross, this was at a 4-way junction. One set of traffic stopped and an old lady standing infront of me started walking into the road, unaware that another lot of traffic had the green light. I reached out and grabbed the only thing I could get - which was the back of the hood on her coat, I pulled her back, saying there was still traffic moving.


I hate to imagine what would have happened if I hadn't have done that, because the traffic really DOESNT stop in that place. Probably saved her life, if not serious injury

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I don't know if this counts as a good deed, but I called 911 because some old guy wasn't responding in the driver seat of his car at a stop light. I opened his car door and put it in park afterwards and he woke up and he was like "Oh, I guess I snoozed." I don't know if I did him a favor saving him from idling into traffic or everyone else for getting his license revoked...

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On 2/21/2016 at 7:50 PM, giraffe said:

The other day as I was leaving a restroom and as a guy was entering, he slipped and put one hand on the wall and used his other hand to grip my arm to prevent him from falling. I guess that counts as an involuntary good deed.


He slipped on purpose ;)

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I gave a homeless man with a sign that read "family of five struggling" the only cash I had on me (I never have cash). I hate the thought of a family going through hard times. Been there and done that. 


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