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Glazed Doughnut

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This might be what im looking for, but can you change projectile velocity because a tank shell velocity is different to other weapons.

For some mods its good to have the mod weapon projectile velocity match the weapon at hand normal projectile velocity.

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You can only do it for one weapon, because there's only one tank shell tag, and each weapon has different projectile speeds. Also, projectile velocity doesn't sync (aside from grenades), but the location of the projectile does, so it may not look like it's as fast as you want it to be.

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Why not just add this function to the other program you made that did something extremely similar? One program with two functions is better than two separate, near identical programs no?

Aside from that, nifty. As always.

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Why not just add this function to the other program you made that did something extremely similar? One program with two functions is better than two separate, near identical programs no?

Aside from that, nifty. As always.


It'd actually require a lot of rewriting of code and stuff, since Maple Syrup doesn't go through tags. In fact, it goes through the entire tag data, which really only gives it the advantage of working with protected maps, and the disadvantage of it only working with one particular map. It also has completely different intentions, as well, and is extremely simple, while going through tags like what Glazed Doughnut is a lot more complex. You're free to try to do it yourself, as the source code is available for both of them.


It'd be a lot easier and simpler just writing an option (e.g. a -m argument) in Glazed Doughnut to just compare the entire block of meta data, rather than putting everything in Glazed Doughnut into Maple Syrup. Essentially, I put Maple Syrup on Glazed Doughnut rather than put Glazed Doughnut on Maple Syrup. I was actually going to add this function, as well as having it output scripts that work on both SAPP and Phasor.

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I cant get this to create the lua.script (tankshells). Here is the cmd im using:


I did a basic mod and used Eschaton to make a projectile swap on 1 weapon,

C:\Users\me>C:\Users\me\Downloads\Donut\gdonut.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Micr
osoft Games\Halo Custom Edition\maps\bloodgulch C:\Users\me\Desktop\Halocemods\
bloodgulch C:\Users\me\Documents\My Games\Halo CE\sapp\lua
Glazed Doughnut v1.0 by 002
gdonut.exe original_map modified_map script_output
Edited by dmb1

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See, I don't know anything at all about this, but I'm wondering how you choose the names for your script programs, oo2.


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I cant get this to create the lua.script (tankshells). Here is the cmd im using:


I did a basic mod and used Eschaton to make a projectile swap on 1 weapon,

C:\Users\me>C:\Users\me\Downloads\Donut\gdonut.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Micr
osoft Games\Halo Custom Edition\maps\bloodgulch C:\Users\me\Desktop\Halocemods\
bloodgulch C:\Users\me\Documents\My Games\Halo CE\sapp\lua
Glazed Doughnut v1.0 by 002
gdonut.exe original_map modified_map script_output


You should use quotations for each argument that has spaces. It's very standard when using the command prompt. I could make a GUI version later if this is too complicated, as lots of people can get pretty intimidated by text-based interfaces. Also, you want the exact paths, including the .map. You also want to specify the file instead of the folder for lua scripts, which is the file that the script will save to (creating a new file if it doesn't exist of course).



C:\Users\me\Downloads\Donut\gdonut.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition\maps\" "C:\Users\me\Desktop\Halocemods\" "C:\Users\me\Documents\My Games\Halo CE\sapp\lua\luascript.lua"

If this is too complicated, I may make a GUI version of the program later, which will include windows and stuff.


See, I don't know anything at all about this, but I'm wondering how you choose the names for your script programs, oo2.

Maple Syrup is made from maple sap... SAPP.


Glazed Doughnut? A type of glaze is maple glaze which is made with maple sap... SAPP.

WaeV, dmb1 and aLTis like this

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mmph :/


Having trouble getting the patch output with GD working on a server. It is calling rev_patch_1.lua with


event_start 'lua_call rev_patch_1 Apply'

in the events.txt


rev_patch_1.lua is in the sapp/lua folder


but querying the lua_list shows that rev_patch_1 is unloaded and uninitialized.


Calling it explicitly with lua_load rev_patch_1 shows that it loads successfully, but none of the edits take effect.


What am I missing?


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