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Should Non-Binary Genders be Recognized?

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According to the World Health Organization, gender "refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women." In today's society, we have more individuals claiming themselves to be a non-binary (not boy / girl) gender; these include agender, genderfluid, pangender, and more. Should these genders be recognized and accommodated by the United States government or should individuals be made to legally identify as either male or female? 

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I don't see how relevant it is to governments to know more than what your sex chromosomes and/or your sex organs represent.


There could be an additional consideration for "other", which would be for the individuals preference in what they want to be referred to as. Someone that chooses such an option would be legally referred to in gender neutral wording, regardless of if their preference changes regularly or is something completely different than the binary. There's too many variations to fully classify something so relatively unimportant to daily interactions and business.

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Oddly, this is familiar to you... as if from an old dream.  

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It is really trivial to remember someone's alternate gender identity, especially if it is obscure and not recognized. I am comfortable with trans gender identities and do not believe they are a problem, but anything beyond that is absolutely ridiculous and superfluous. Especially the ones created at a whim to describe something so minimal and niche.

Humans are complicated beings and I sincerely don't care about someone's gender identity. You're either someone with similar interests to me or you're not. Plain and simple.

"i'm gender-fluid"

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I would say no and I would take it to a social level as well.


I think that the point at which we reach social panic over accommodating someone identifying as a gender different from their sex, especially as a gender that is not sexually validated ("non-binary"), is the point at which we have lost sight of real life issues. It's such a superfluous subject.


I don't see someone's "gender identity" being worth much outside of their social circles - the reality is that, though modern psychology may distinguish gender from sex, there is not enough time in the world for most people to care. Matthew and Ronnie are coworkers, and speak once in a while during the work day, but aren't friends. Matthew feeling insulted because Ronnie called them a "he" when they identify as gender-fluid and feel like a woman that day, is pointless. Ronnie doesn't care, and wouldn't benefit at all from attempting to care. Your friends may understand and sympathize with your point of view, and accommodate you; but strangers owe you nothing beyond common courtesy, nor should they.


Institutionalized protection of feelings is beyond inane.

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This has the same implications as repealing DADT. It will provide no benefit to society as a whole and will actually cause further disruption of societal sections of true importance. 

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Typically when something requests you to identify as male or female, they want to know if you have a dick or the thing that dicks go in to.  Having male, female, and other is more than enough.  You really can't include all the non-binary genders, then those drop down boxes would be as annoying as the ones that ask for your country and are in alphabetical order (as in the ones where 95% of internet traffic comes from are not at the top and you have to scroll down to find them)

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While I respect a person living how they wish to live, people claiming to be any gender besides transgender or genderfluid makes up a very small portion of the population. A lot of gender identities that are made nowadays by individuals didn't exist long ago. I think it's very possible that a neutral gender could be legally recognized in the future, however, should it extend to other select identifications, people would clamor for theirs to be accepted, along with the fact that more are created every day. The line wouldn't be drawn at gender either; there are people that want to identify as animals too, which would be legally impossible, as legality is a human concept that adheres to humans alone. I think recognition of other genders might extend to one or two terms other than male or female, but anything beyond that would be too much to deal with, unless it becomes extremely embedded in cultures across the planet for some reason.

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The overall idea is silly. As has been pointed out a.) no one outside your circle of friends cares what you identify as and b.) 99.9% of the time the overall premise of gender identification is to ascertain if you've got a rod or a hole. Bringing the entire social construct of "gender identify" into society as a whole to fulfill some SJW ideal is pointless and frivolous. 

Outside of social circles (i.e. "friends") or sexual activities (i.e. "private life"), gender identification has no point in being a concern. It does not help fulfill career obligations, it does not help fulfill mission requirements. It does not in any way during the course of a persons professional or public life help complete tasks or obligations they've been hired, contracted, or otherwise employed or deployed to preform.

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