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SmG ruined Halo

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Like I said before, it's basically a necessity these days to skip the empty filter in the lobby

It's only necessary because so many people are seeding to gain advantage. There's no legitimate use for it on a public server.

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Oddly, this is familiar to you... as if from an old dream.  

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There is a script to place invisible afk's. I have come across it on PÕQ servers as well but not to the extremity SmG have taken it.

If I can't kill I don't play. I don't see the harm in having one visual seeded AFK though.


Tbh this has been a thing for a while, aluigi even published a poc on Halo's fake player exploit to DoS servers. Doing it server sided is even easier, don't know why cloud had to pay someone. I thought he was competent

Edited by Ryx


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Itd be quite simple to make a multiclient connect to a server on every available slot repeatedly until it was full, provided it didnt IP check client connections.


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Most every clan has used the special characters to get their servers on top of the lobby since they figured out how to use them, and thats been a hell of a long time ago. So to single me out, is just wrong, and you are using this too now NEX as well as POQ, ASH , BK  and many others too. In fact, Technut made is clear to me, that he owns the ! servers. lol. Most EVERY clan has been "seeding" servers also, and I personally dont find that wrong myself.


 I am not taking up for him, but Cloud, who is the leader of SMG,is brilliant and very dangerous to mess with, decided to do this for some reason. He sometimes makes wrong decisions. I asked him to cut it out, but he ignored me. At least he has the appearance of being a halo provider, and nobody can join those servers anyhow. He did however at my request decide to post a free download of halo, all the versions, and provide keys too. That hopefully will bring more players. He does love halo.


Thats my two cents too.



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Personally I like a server to describe what it is (I.E. "ROcKetS 24/7 Small Maps LOOP JAJAJA"). But, with the advent of people using Start-of-header ASCII characters in their init.txt files, naming conventions have gone to the wind in favor of as many SOH characters as can be fit in order to put the name higher up the rankings. 


RG does this a lot, using


sv_name SOHSOHSOH ... SOH ... RG#


Basically these server admins take <max char number> - <actual name> = <#of SOH chars>.


So far there are even some that use exclusive SOH to get an "empty" name and appear at the top of the name-filtered lobby, or maybe even just 1 character.

Nex did



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