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Been trying to learn some Koine Greek and it's not too hard IMHO. Able to read some basic sentences and even spot a word or two in modern Greek.

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Spent an embarrassingly long time writing a rubiks cube random scramble generator.
I didn't realize there would be so many hoops to jump through.

Had to account for coaxial movements to skip redundant moves, and set up xamarin forums and stuff.
100% new to me, and c# is confusing coming from years of c++. 

Takka, Chalwk and Sunstriker7 like this


S3dpak - format - Imeta/ipak - format - Fmeta - format


H2a-inflate - SuP

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In C# switch statements can use a string as the decision variable.

When I discovered that I went back and rewrote a good chunk of code.

Edited by Sunstriker7

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