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Maple Syrup

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So if I were to change weapon damage values between map Xv1 and map Xv2, this could be used as a universal patch for all maps with those tags, as the only changes the script would enact would be those damage values?


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So if I were to change weapon damage values between map Xv1 and map Xv2, this could be used as a universal patch for all maps with those tags, as the only changes the script would enact would be those damage values?

Nah. This program is pretty much a poor man's map patcher, which turns mods into scripts to avoid huge upload times.

You're thinking of Glazed Doughnut, which is tag-based.

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Using the program is easy.

maplesyrup.exe <modded map> <original map> <script output>


"Using the program is easy."   


but how to use it? im lost. . (maybe due to lack of my cmd knowledge)


i wanted to test this tool;

so i copied bloodgulch to a folder and used escatan to just to mod a projectile of a weapon of that map.

help me from there;



maplesyrup.exe bloodgulch bloodgulch lol , hoping to automatically make a script called 'lol'

but as we can see it wont do anything due to paths etc maybe.....



1. when i open cmd, the default thing written in it is, c:\users\myname

do i need to either change that path to where maplesyrup.exe is? or copy maplesyrup.exe to c:\users\myname folder?

2. should i rename the moded bloodgulch file to bloodgulch1 or something? and put the original map and moded map in the same folder?

and then type maplesyrup.exe bloodgulch1 bloodgulch lol



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maplesyrup.exe bloodgulch bloodgulch lol , hoping to automatically make a script called 'lol'


You will need the exact path to the map, including the extension. You can get the path of a map by dragging it to the command prompt. It also needs different map files, meaning you need both the modified map (after changes) and the original map (before changes), or the script it outputs won't do anything.

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"script has been saved"

but where? i cant find it

Edited by no offence



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"script has been saved"

but where? i cant find it

It's wherever your told it to output the script. If you said "lol", then it output to wherever your current directory is as a file called "lol". Since you said it's C:\Users\myname, you'll want to look there.

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