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SAPP Scripts Shortlist

You can find many of the most useful SAPP scripts listed here.



Map Download

A script to replace/take place of SAPP's deprecated map_downlaod command.


Rallied Teams

This configurable script allows players to spawn at their respective team bases, like in CTF.


Team Autobalance

A handy autobalance script for team games that switches players appropriately only upon their death.


Empty Server Reset

Automatic map resetting once server has been empty for a defined amount of time.


Team Shuffler

Allows for configurable automatic team shuffling at the start of each game, and manual team shuffling.



Allows players to vote an individual out of the server.


Vehicle Telefrag

Adds the telefrag feature to vehicle blockages. There are a number of ways to customize with this script how blockers are dealt with.



Adds sprint functionality to bipeds, and features a number of ways to customize or balance out.


This script runs a random command from a list that you can set in its configuration, which is handy for randomized messages and tips ingame.


Profanity Buster

A filter that automatically blocks chat messages containing profanity.


Admin Groups

Allows for multiple different admin permission sets.


Discord Halo Server Bot

A bot allowing you to integrate live server information with Discord.


Discord Halo Server Console Bot

A bot allowing you to issue commands to a Halo server via Discord.

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