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Map Renamer

17 posts in this topic

All the power of command-line software, now with mousing ease of use!


Fill in the textboxes, then press the button. This launches the renaming program, which informs you of success or errors via the console.

Download v1.3
Just run the exe file. Everything needed is included.

Or for the more adventurous...
Source Code on GitHub
Compiling yourself requires:

Just run build.bat and you're done.

nil, Kavawuvi, NeX and 1 other like this

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Was under the assumption HaloMD was for OSX......

Am I wrong?

HaloMD is Mac-Only, yes.

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Was under the assumption HaloMD was for OSX......

The renamer is useful for more than just MD.

Kavawuvi, NeX and Floofies like this

Oddly, this is familiar to you... as if from an old dream.  

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Ok, thought so. Just that the renamer seems to be compiled/running on windows. Rather than OSX. Though if halo dev is done on Windows then thats fine. 

oh cool then, i was unaware of potential uses outside of editing maps for the osx version of halo, my bad :)

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You beat me by 40 minutes to make one for Windows. It looks pretty good, though. I see you used the python script when I wrote mine entirely from scratch in C#.

Just a huge note, in nil's HaloMD "beta of a beta", any ustr modifications will be ignored by HaloMD due to the map list update that will occur soon. This is because HaloMD generates its own ustr tag, so overriding the slots will result in nothing happening in HaloMD, while making the map list in Halo PC inconsistent (overriding Gephyrophobia and a couple other maps). HAC doesn't use the modifications.

I'd consider at least removing the ustr modifications in the future.

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Updated to 1.2. Removed changes MD no longer needs, making this program compatible as a renamer for Halo CE maps as well.




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used eternal lightning to unprotect, then

used map renamer


setup and ran phasor server.  using a script I retreive tag names, create objects, etc.  Phasor does read the tag names of the unprotected, un-renamed map correctly, However, wouldn't work after renaming - as the script/phasor cannot read the tag name properly, some tag names, (maybe even tag classes?) are odd characters, maybe an issue with unicode characters, or other character coding? not sure.





used deathstar to unprotect, then

used map renamer


setup and ran phasor server, it successfully reads the tag names, (albeit re-organized and named as described in the deathstar read me) - so it seems I have what I wanted. Thank you. 


IF you accomodate/fix this issue, it would save me a re-write (not your problem, I know) Since I already have a lengthy script built on the tag names readable after eternal lightning it would save me time.  Not sure if it's important to you, or if other considerations would make this sub-standard or violative of other processes.


I only mention the above as it may be relevant to you in future builds/rewrites.  Also, your browse dialogue for output directory will only browse the desktop.  It didn't matter in the end as the output defaults to the input source directory, just FYi.


I am not sure why you rigidly limit the new map name length, and require a build number. I can understand a dynamically built string can become too lengthy. Could this be optional?  Im aware of your other tools in which this might me required, and I too hate long map names like "Chronopolis_C3_Public_Beta0.2_RoflbbqSauceThisIsaLongFugginMapName" it would be nice to not have this limit, or to be able to bypass it as an option.



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