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Dark Souls II

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The sequel to my all time favourite game is now out, and it's being reviewed really highly too.

But because I only really want it on PC, i have to wait until the 25th of April.


Is anyone else here as ridiculously excited as I am? Has anyone got it and/or played it yet?

No spoilers plos thx.


As for anyone who doesn't know what this game is, it's the sequel to dark souls, which in turn was the spiritual successor to demon's souls, both of which are considered one of the best and hardest games ever.


This is probably the best way to put it; (not actually a spoiler, just a large-ish image)




If you like fantasy, RPG's, dungeon crawlers, etc, check out this series. Dark Souls is a very hard game to start, and even harder to enjoy, initially. but once you get the hang of it, once you get a taste of the lore and the mystery, after the thousandth time of getting killed by the same god damn boss... something clicks. and then suddenly you're like me and you've played 300+ hours of it, still discovering new things about it.

It's an excruciating, dreadful experience, and I love it with all my heart.

I am SO looking forward to doing it all over again in this sequel.


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I, for one, Belive Dark Souls and related games are highly overrated by it's fan base. They constantly claim it's the first game to ever make you actually think. The fanbase of it drives me insane over how obsessive they are of the game. I have played & beaten Dark Souls and I can confirm it is still a very forgiving game, compared to many games in the past. People just don't know their games.


Needless to say I'm not going to buy Dark Souls II right off the bat beceause of it's batshit community. Not to even begin the amounts of sad hackers online that M$ doesn't give a shit about because it's not their main source of income. 


Sorry if I sound rude; I just really despise this game when I hear it because of it's community. I'm not trying to offend you.

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My little brother bought it for the xbox. I played about an hour of it and its pretty cool, I never played the first one though so i dunno how it compares. It is hard but in the sense that it takes a few tries to figure out strategies to avoid or kill groups of enemies.

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Ohhhh I wanna play this, but I'm stuck playing Monster Souls (MH3U) for the time being, plus I've never beat the first one. I want to go back all the way to Demon's Souls and start from there, and expunge the casualness from my body.


I haven't even begun to git the gud.

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Demon's Souls is great, but it isn't necessary to enjoy Dark Souls. I played Dark Souls first and I still much prefer it over Demon's Souls, although honestly I think that's basically just because of the order I played them in; A lot of people love and swear by Demon's Souls over Dark Souls, and invariably they played them in the 'correct' order.

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Ohhhh I wanna play this, but I'm stuck playing Monster Souls (MH3U) for the time being, plus I've never beat the first one. I want to go back all the way to Demon's Souls and start from there, and expunge the casualness from my body.


I haven't even begun to git the gud.


i wouldn't bother going all the way back to demon's souls. even just a cursory playthrough of DaS would be fine too, honestly. it isn't necessary to absolutely immerse yourself, just immerse yourself enough to get gud


so i was already 500% excited for this game right

but then i saw

and i'm so much more excited



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