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Mapfiles -- An Overview

12 posts in this topic


  • Bungie's Blam! level format
    • Stubbs the Zombie is a non-Halo game which uses the Blam! engine

I decided to experiment on this one. I downloaded the demo for Stubbs the Zombie and looked at the header file of the only map (b30_dam_demo, what a coincidence!). It contained everything except a build number (01.00.XX.XXXX), and it was a version 5 (xbox) map. The maps weren't compressed, though. Eschaton treated it strangely, hiding all of the tags. This was strange, because I read it in a hex editor and the map was fine, so I changed the game version from 5 to 7, and Eschaton magically opened it correctly. The map wasn't playable, though I didn't expect it to be playable.


It also uses mode (Xbox) model tags, instead of mod2 (Gearbox [AKA PC]) model tags. Because all of the assets are internalized, including bitmaps, sounds, and models, I decided to do a little playing around with Eschaton.




I replaced Blood Gulch's BSP with the one in Stubbs's map. Other than the broken water shader (replaced with b30's, coincidence again), the map worked fine.

Edited by 002
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