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If you could live in one game....

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if you could live fully in one game for the rest of your life, which game would it be?

What would your position be?

if you started off in the lowest class, with no resources: Is it reasonable for you to reach your desired position?

For example, if you start as a peasant: Is it realistic for you to become a knight or part of the King's Guard?

How would you reach your desired position, what would some struggles be, and why would it all be worth it?


I personally would enter World of Warcraft. While there I would start off as the average level one (we'll refer to this level as peasant). Sure, the social structure (if WoW was real life) would make it hard for me to raise my position in the social classes (lower, to upper). However, I would do it by providing amazing products that are 100% quality. Quality > Quantity. I would do this through my profession(s). I would choose to gather goods and resources. This would be a good idea because on my travels I would meet many people and thus find connections. By providing black smiths, alchemists, etc with necessary resources I would be meeting important connections; rich ones.

Through that I would eventually learn the ropes of high professions because they would tell me why they need certain resources.

While knowing the ropes I would get an apprenticeship and then eventually become quite rich myself. The goal would not be to be rich, but it is a step to my goal.

My end goal would be to be in the inner circles of the kings and queens. I would do this through my wealth, and power, and eventually aim to improve the kingdom.


What about you?

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Minecraft, without any doubt. That would be fun, become rich, kill monsters, unlimited exploration, build an empire.

Oddly, this is familiar to you... as if from an old dream.  

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how about a SERIES of games? like the fallout franchise, if that is allowed then that is what i choose.

Who am I but myself?

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I could see this turning into some kind of huge debate, but this is something that definitely makes me think. If I could live in one game, which game would it be? I keep asking myself this question and I can't seem to come up with an answer. If I were forced to choose between two game worlds it would have to be World of Warcraft and Pokemon. The social aspect of World of Warcraft is great and I became greatly addicted to this game while I was playing it during my younger years. This game gave me such excitement unlike any other game. Then there is a great game like Pokemon. I can see myself immersed in this kind of world since I've always wanted a Pokemon of my own. It would also be cool to travel around the world fighting gym leaders and collecting badges in order to participate in a huge battle tournament.

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