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Found 7 results

  1. Download Mega: https://mega.nz/file/Fl1kRaSC#ePso1q5txFoaedlyfb3txw6cO2bElWG9eQiQ2LRYHQY Download Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/halothemasterchiefcollection/mods/1739 Optional UI Files: https://mega.nz/file/Vg90TYYa#si7oSijEOJ1mUwwbl1Ypgy74voWqUiXbt2YutaEGmt4 Conflux is a symmetrical competitive map set in a Forerunner facility on the edge of a cliff. It was designed with a "tug of war" style of flow, where team positioning and careful movement through the center are emphasized. Teams start the match facing the center platform in the main atrium, with the base of a large beam emitter blocking the line of sight from spawn to spawn. Each team spawn has a large doorway in the middle, with a direct line of sight from the center platform. Walking through this doorway will lead you to a deployable Grav Lift, followed by a one-way drop-down to the center floor. From here, players can move to take the Overshield or move to the gold lift that will take them up to a raised platform that overlooks the center platform. Each team's base has one middle room flanked by an elevated room that grants them access to the center platform and a lower room that will lead them to the gold lift. Each team will find a Sniper Rifle in this lower room. Looking towards the back of the lower room, players will find a doorway leading to another room with a long, "elbow" shaped ramp leading them up to a bridge that will take them back to their spawn or to a hallway that leads to the top of the gold lift. Players that move to the elevated room in their base will find a small platform that overlooks their side of the central atrium, which they can also use to jump to the center platform. In this same area, players will another overlook that has dominance over an overhang on the cliffside that runs the length of the map. At the center of this location is a man cannon that players can use to launch themselves to the center platform. The Overshield spawns just in front of the man cannon. The map is designed primarily for CTF and Slayer, although it supports all of the default Halo 3 gametypes. The weapon and equipment set on the map include the following: 3 Battle Rifles per side. 2 Assault Rifles per side. 2 Brute Plasma Rifles per side. 2 SMGs per side. 1 Auto Mag per side. 1 Sniper Rifle per side. 1 Deployable Grav Lift per side. 1 Sentinel Beam under the center platform. 1 Gravity Hammer on the center platform. 1 Power Drain at the gold lift. 1 Bubble Shield at the man cannon. 1 Overshield between the man cannon and the center platform. How to install and play: -Navigate to the install location of Halo: The Master Chief Collection -Go to the Halo 3 folder, and then the maps folder -Backup the file called docks.map by either renaming it, or moving it to another folder -Drag the new docks.map file into the maps folder -Select the map Longshore in Custom Games or Forge to play
  2. This is a remaster of a Halo Custom Edition map Municipality originally made by Chris Webster (Wave of Lag). Download: https://mega.nz/file/Qag0XSoJ#_8FvPYGXPvlRPZ75jWtQgFel9m-aEwKKzu2qll7J5iQ The original version of this map can be downloaded here http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=1700 The map features throwable fusion coils by noblemods. Known issues: -Underwater fog looks bad and has incorrect color; -Player customization is disabled to decrease file size; -In Forge mode you can't edit or spawn scenery objects.
  3. Metrobyte is a map I made for the Season 2 of Reclaimers Map Competition. It's available for Halo: Custom Edition and MCC. MCC Download: https://mega.nz/file/YDoGxZqS#Zcf-umtQs8ojwWBbyz2a05MdaxR3sMX8I2cXdKZYtds CE: Release Topic There may or may not be a secret room somewhere Thanks to everyone who contributed: The entire (SBB) team Hispanorum MrChromed Sled Holy Crust Fubih And everyone else who helped me test the map! Special thanks to Nix for the drawings UwU Some assets have been ripped from various MCC games.
  4. This is a symmetrical map with 3 floor levels and a base on each side, it works well with most game types, but was originally designed for Slayer FFA. Adaptation of the map for MCC. Shader modifications to suit MCC effects. Original weapons to work with skins. Bitmaps in 32-bit color format. Pictures: Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/rzrss98rw4hlta1/the_bidding_mcc.zip/file Credits: -Environment Cartography Department -343Industries -Bungie -Gearbox
  5. This is a "remake" of Coagulation, Transfusion. it is also on Halo 2 Project Cartographer. trees, rocks, some tweaks here and there. not perfect but its def a scrapy map CoagCTF Rules I do hope it all works properly. the size of the map is slightly larger, base jumps are a tad bit more difficult. wider paths and tunnels for vehicles. did i say more trees and rocks? lol Transfusion Download
  6. With the latest MCC update and the release of the updated HEK, I am happy to announce the early release of these two map packs. NHE (Neutral Host Edition) and the more recent PE (Patch Edition) are popular in the Xbox competitive community, and it is my pleasure to bring the latest versions of the maps to MCC in an easily-distributable format. NOTE: These map packs are not intended to be an "official" or comprehensive NHE or PE release for MCC in the traditional sense. They do not include the features from the Xbox mods (notably the training mode, neutral host mode and talking timer). These are essentially "vanilla MCC" releases of the maps from those mods, built with the new tagset that was released with the updated HEK. In other words: there are no "base tagset" or gameplay modifications in these maps - they are clean (except for Pat Race, see the list of PE changes below for more information). Other features, such as the competitive sound removal mod and no-spread mod, are redundant since they were added to MCC (use the new Hardcore settings toggle in the gametype editor in-game). This release does include, however, previously-unreleased recent revisions of some maps. I have also released these map packs on Nexus Mods and future updates will be posted there first. Here's my Nexus Mods page: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/47716?tab=user+files New Update (13 October 2021): support for the new Classic HUD (relased with MCC Season 8) has been added! There is also a ~25% reduction in filesize across the map files. Other minor fixes include the removal of a sound reference in a smoke emitter scenery used in Outbound & Decidia, as well as some small corrections to item spawn times in Atlas (frag grenades, plasma pistol, sniper & shotgun). New Update (30 June 2021): custom map preview/thumbnail images have now been added! NHE map pack: For more information about the original NHE mod, refer to this site: https://halo1nhe.com/#features NOTE: Due to the limitation in MCC that requires vanilla map files to be replaced in order to run custom maps, the following maps are not included with this release: Double Take, Xbox Blood Gulch, Xbox Sidewinder, Xbox Rat Race, Xbox Wizard, Xbox Blood Gulch, Xbox Boarding Action, Xbox Sidewinder, Xbox Longest & Xbox Chiron TL34. It is only a matter of time before someone releases a "comprehensive" Xbox map pack that includes the entire original lineup. The intention with this map pack is to port the most-played NHE maps to MCC. Patch Edition map pack: Patch Edition is a brand new competitive mod aimed at "refreshing" the tournament map lineup, including some minor gameplay balance and level tweaks. Here is the full list of changes included in the PE maps: Download links: I have decided to leverage MCC Mod Manager to ease distribution and align map replacements for players wishing to run custom lobbies. More information about MCC Mod Manager can be found here: https://github.com/executionByFork/MCC_Mod_Manager#readme It is highly recommended that you use MCC Mod Manager to install the "modpack" version of the map packs. Otherwise you will need to manually replace the map files every time you need to run the maps, and manually restore your backed up files when you want to play with anticheat ON. All downloads below include a modified careerdb.xml file which renames the map names in the map selection screen to reflect the actual map, eliminating the need for a "cheat sheet" of which map is which. Read the included readme's for more information and installing instructions, as well as the full list of the map replacements used. NHE map pack v1.1 ("modpack" MCC Mod Manager download): https://mega.nz/file/rk1FjarS#OmoSVSROiyv9WuHg_zLgu_zp9GIByXJ9il7-gwVVJVQ PE map pack v1.1 ("modpack" MCC Mod Manager download): https://mega.nz/file/Kw9HAapZ#b-7LYM-jxHP8AZ6t4j44CqTKBaTxPvLufnipbuB6xq8 If you are comfortable handling the map replacements on your own, use the below download links. Note that the files have already been renamed in the interest of standardizing the map replacements used (the maps in the above "modpacks" downloads have their original names, if that's what you're into): NHE map pack v1.1 (manual install): https://mega.nz/file/78kxWAZa#uP6MbjvGKQRQ0PlN0eNKlKs2eeEiIzMHp7ke6OOwL50 PE map pack v1.1 (manual install): https://mega.nz/file/2p1QACAb#dMWUeqc7zVLIOnCwE0TKatiULas5hZ7rB1bP0j25JC0 NOTE: If you wish to mix some of the PE maps in to the NHE lineup, I suggest first installing the NHE pack, and then overwriting with the desired PE maps. The packaged maps were renamed with this in mind. For example: if you wish to play a NHE mapcycle, except you want PE Dreadnought instead of Xbox Derelict, simply start by installing the NHE map pack, then copy in carousel.map from the PE map pack (and overwrite). In other words, any map with both a "NHE" and "PE" variant take the same slot in the map selection menu. Credits: MCC map ports produced by: stunt_man Tester: hirsute Original NHE team: Creator/Lead Developer: dds Lead Programmer/Developer: insidi0us Developer/Lead Tester: Devilman Consultant/Contributor: stunt man Wizard: Mintograde Creator of Arsenic: CLuis Liaison Officer/Tester: Mudbone Legal Counsel: McDick HBIC: Meg Tester: NtG-Fr33 Consultant/Environment Artist: DSalimander Environment Artist: il Duce Primo Tester: Cujjer Patch Edition team: Creator/Producer: Patch Lead Developer: hirsute NOTE: For specific map credits, please refer to the readme included in the map packs
  7. Author: PopeTX28 Map Size: Small, Asymmetrical. Designed for 2v2. This is a UNSC themed map designed for 2v2 and other small party gametypes, the map is Asymmetrical in design. The map is inspired from Chrion-TL34, Rat Race, and Wizard. I hope you enjoy. Install instruction for MCC: 1) Navigate to your \steamapps\common\Halo The Master Chief Collection\halo1\maps location. 2) Re-name the current putput.map (chiron-TL34) to putput2.map or putput.old. 3) Copy this map the maps folder. 4) Be sure to either remove this map and rename the original putput2.map back to its original name when you are done playing. --MCC Version Download-- https://www.mediafire.com/file/6mmxhwoq1h8rtba/Gothra-MCC.zip/file --Custom Edition Version--