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This is a symmetrical map with 3 floor levels and a base on each side, it works well with most game types, but was originally designed for Slayer FFA. It also includes several characters to use with sapp's script. Recommendation: 6-16 players Supports all gamemodes Images: Download: Test: -ECD's testers Credits: -Environment Cartography Department -343Industries -Bungie -Gearbox
A listing of maps on OC that've earned at least a 7/10 rating in SBB's testing (all new MP releases are tested). Maps earning such a rating after their release on OC will additionally earn 10 raffle tickets! Raffle Info 9/10 8/10 7/10
Tumulus is a mid-sized multiplayer map designed for Big Team CTF and King of the Hill. The map supports all gametypes and is intended for 8v8, but it's fun to play with even only 5-6 players. The map is compatible with both MCC and Custom Edition, and I have a public CE server running CTF/Crazy King/Team Slayer. The server name is "TUMULUS 24/7 OFFICIAL SERVER." Come play! Features: All-new sound design. Destructible vehicles! New gunplay, character and vehicle stats. Playable on all gametypes. I recommend CTF, Crazy King or Team Slayer. Tips: Ammo spawns in small clusters all around the map. Plasma weapons stun enemy movement and have no recoil. Recommended for new players. Vehicles are resistant to small-arms fire. Use plasma weapons or explosives against them if you can. The Scorpion Tank has 3 fire modes. Press your primary trigger to fire a tank shell, grenade button to launch a tracking missile volley, or crouch button to shoot the machine gun. The Warthog's minigun barrels must be spinning at full speed before the gun will fire. The Plasma Pistol's overcharged bolt stuns players and vehicles for several seconds after it detonates. All projectile weapons have recoil and deal slightly less damage over distance. Tap the trigger and pace your shots to maintain tight bullet spread. Special Thanks: Altautas Petronis (altis94) for destructible vehicle scripts, Ted Stabile (wertnerve) for Spartan voice acting, and VKMT for beta testing the map. DOWNLOAD HERE
Author: PopeTX28 Map Size: Small, Asymmetrical. Designed for 2v2. This is a UNSC themed map designed for 2v2 and other small party gametypes, the map is Asymmetrical in design. The map is inspired from Chrion-TL34, Rat Race, and Wizard. I hope you enjoy. --Custom Edition Version Download-- --MCC Version--
[ESP] Hola a todos, modifique los mapas oficiales agregándole un simple gorrito de Santa a los spartans, funcionan bien en el multijugador con Chimera reciente, desconozco si puede servir en Hac2 o versiones viejas de Chimera ya que los mapas fueron descomprimidos y compilados con Invader, los mapas base del Custom Edition son parte de los mapas Refinados con la HUD corregida y algunas otras texturas / shaders corregidos. Antes de la instalación de los mapas has una copia a tus mapas por si te pasa algún error al abrir los mapas. [ENG] Hello everyone, I modified the official maps by adding a simple Santa hat to the spartans, they work well in multiplayer with recent Chimera, I don't know if it can work in hac2 or old versions of Chimera since the maps were unzipped and compiled with Invader, Custom Edition base of maps are part of the Refined maps with corrected HUD and some other textures / shaders corrected. Before installing the maps, make a copy of your maps in case you get an error when opening the maps. Merry Christmas! Links: Maps Custom Edition.rar Maps Combat Evolved.rar
This map consists of several rooms with hallways in a symmetrical way, it works good with slayer and team slayer. Recommendation: 10-16 players Supports all gamemodes Images: Download: Help and test: -ECD's testers -DG Credits: -Environment Cartography Department -343Industries -Bungie -Gearbox
Antfarm is a map I made for the Reclaimers Discord server's season 2 map making competition. It is based on layout number 1. This is basically a shitpost turned into a serious entry, the original idea was to make a shitty map with a bunch of memes in it but in the end I found myself rigging custom bipeds, running vray lightmaps and putting in way more effort than it probably deserved but it was totally worth it. There are more easter eggs than actual assets so do go look around. The map itself was originally too "spicy" so I had to make a safe for work version without controversial / politically incorrect easter eggs in order to stay in the competition. I took so long to post this because I am the king of procrastination and I accidentally deleted all the footage we recorded for the trailer, so here are Storm's reviews of both versions. SFW Version: Download: Real/NSFW Version: Download: Thanks to everyone who helped out testing, debugging, reviewing and giving me ideas for this map: The SBB team Altis Blitz Burney CC Gonza Holy Crust Kinnet Lolslayer Pope Sean Storm Vuthakral Xander Biaanca (Orange Juice) Giraffe Nix Everyone else I inevitably forgot Dennis Powers (RIP) PD: If you don't understand what the outside of the map is referencing, go watch this ->
I meant to post this map after the competition, but it seems I forgot! Author: PopeTX28 Map Size: Asymmetrical, 2v2. This is a map that was designed for Reclaimer's map competition #2. It's based on the 2nd blockout. My goal was to create a forerunner ruins environment in the middle of a oasis/desert. The map is only available for Custom Edition. ---LINK BELOW--- Ruins of
For nearly a decade since its release, Lumoria is one of the best known single player maps ever made in Halo Custom Edition. Because gameplay footages of Lumoria alongside its SPV3 remake are available on YouTube, it deserves a Refined version to complement Halo: Combat Evolved Refined. Also included in the download is Refined Geomar, which is an updated version of the multiplayer map of the same name. I commend and give credit to the original creators of Lumoria, CMT and the former TM Mapping Team for their outstanding work on the custom campaign maps that balance exploration with combat and a storyline. Lumoria Refined is first seen on Halo: Spartan Edition, a mod for Halo Custom Edition. Now available as a standalone download with all four maps plus the Geomar multiplayer map. Download Credits CMT and TM Mapping Team: Original maps as basis MattDratt: Drone dialog tags from HaloMaps Vaporeon: Halo 2 music tags Holy Crust: HRX HUD Jakey: Jackal leg multipurpose bitmaps Screenshots
This release of Warren is an update to the beta version submitted in the recent Reclaimers map contest. I've made a few minor layout changes and fixed lightmap artifacts, as well as adjusted the placement of weapons, spawns, and objectives. I think it plays best with 8-12 people on CTF or Slayer. Assets and tags for the map can be found on GitHub: Mirror:
Aerial moved over to MCC. you can get it here. Aerial aims to redesign Halo: Combat Evolved to resemble Old School Arena shooters, introducing new gameplay through "launch" pads, pickups and a brand new weapon set. Almost everything was recreated from the ground up, all the models, textures, shaders and animations. so I'm proud to finally share a release. With that said, welcome to the arena! There have been many changes over the development period of the mod, you can view some of them here. MAPS Blood Covenant MEGA Version 3 MEGA Classic version NOTES: Heavy Only game modes will spawn the Big Fuelrod Gun and the Chaingun. This tagset uses specific weapons on spawn, should this be unwanted, they will be disabled if the server runs any gametype with the general starting equipment. To enable the minimal HUD (recommended for 4:3 resolutions), make sure you are running Chimera alongside the console command chimera_split_screen_hud 1. CREDITS Thanks to SBB for testing everything through out the years. Particle effects are by Ifafudafi from The Silent Cartographer: Evolved team. Jesse for his high resolution halo 1 HUD. Human weapon sounds are by Magmacow from GameBanana. All other sounds come from other Halo games.
Part of the campaign levels turned into multiplayer maps series. Authors: Legend996 & Pro Shooter Map: Eluded (this map is a continuation of Cartographer) Version: 3.4 Supported gametypes: All Description Eluded takes place on the picturesque island on the level The Silent Cartographer, one day after John-117's and various other forces' assault on the island in order to search for the cartographer that would lead to Installation 04's control room. Gameplay The map supports all game modes, both team and free for all, but is best played on big team based modes such as Team Slayer, CTF and Race. The symmetries of this map are very complicated and hard to explain, but through many months of planning and thinking, it can be said that both teams are balanced well relative to the map in most if not all game modes. Red base has a more "defense" nature, it's more open and has more territory to cover and defend from enemies but the team itself tends to be more a bit exposed on the beach. It is easier to infiltrate but harder to escape from successfully. Blue base has a more "offense" nature, it's more closed and easier to defend, but once the enemies manage to break in it becomes hard to hold off the attack and the team could be sandwiched inside the base. It is harder to infiltrate but easier to escape from successfully. Below is a picture with the approximate layout suggesting the various dynamics and strategies that can be used: There are 7 hidden weapons on the map, 7 deadly sins, 7 means to apocalypse, as well as a hidden vehicle. Look out for the clues. Acknowledgement The following vehicles are heavily modded and improved variants or counterparts of already existing vehicles from other maps or sources: -Phantom, Spectre, Gausshog and Civihog from Extinction by (DA)Ender -Pelican from Hugeass by Tiamat -Wasp by Mothergoat -Shadow by Advancebo -Flamehog whose author we couldn't find Additional info -Press your flashlight button when in a Pelican or a Spirit to pick up vehicles (only works at their original spawn points, and once dropped cannot be picked up again unless at original spawn point) NOTE: This feature is experimental and will get improved in the future to be able to dynamically pick up any vehicle at any place and time. -Smoke and vine will take you to apocalypse -Lost ordnance deliveries and failed recon missions... ? Download: Eluded_v3,
DISCLAIMER - This map isn't related in any way to upcoming game Halo Infinite Part of the campaign levels turned into multiplayer maps series. Author: Legend996 Map: Infinite Current version: 3.0 Supported gametypes: All Supported players: 1 to 16 Current version release date: October 15th, 2021 Initial release date: July 13th, 2019 Last edited date: October 15th, 2021 Description Infinite takes place on top of one of the steep cliffs faces overlooking one of the many massive landscapes located Installation 04, moments after the successful rescue operation of scattered UNSC Pillar of Autumn survivors, with the Covenant reportedly still searching for something... Gameplay The map supports all game modes, both team and free for all, but it's recommended to play on modes such as Slayer, King of the Hill and Oddball. The map consists of the cliff edge area, divided into the main middle beam emitter structure, two smaller structures, which serve as the red and blue bases and spawn areas, the underground passage and the rest of the open spaces in between. The gameplay is divided between the structures and means of getting between them, with there being different routes and paths players can take to get from side to side, the main and fastest ones being the open spaces between structures, which allow for a somewhat limited yet entertaining amount of vehicular combat, and is where most of the action and major battles will be likely taking place. Another route is constituted by the underground passage, which allows for a more sneaky approach but could potentially result in violent encounters. Control of the middle structure could result in advantage and affect the course of a match. Both entrances to the area are blocked off by rocks for indicative purposes. Showcase Changes Changes from previous version (2.0): • Added support for all gametypes • Fix and improve some spawn points and game mode related flags and issues • Added and changed some weapon placement and player spawn points in favor of all gametypes and general balance • Added some clues and easter eggs Planned changes for next version: • Fix and change some scenario items and elements Download
This is a small symmetrical map with two levels, on each side there is a tunnel where in ctf are the flags. Due to its size, it can be very chaotic with a high number of players. Recommendation: 8-12 players Supports all gamemodes Images: Download: Test: -ECD's testers Credits: -Environment Cartography Department -343Industries -Bungie -Gearbox
These two maps are made with the sole purpose of being fun,the maps are a what if bigass had had covenant content or more "hd" textures. if any of the authors of the tags are bothered by the use of these, i will remove the content immediately. i leave the screenshots and download links below, one is a cache mod and the other a "new" map. enjoy. they have 3 bsps. download: {neo}bigass: Bigassv2,104 Cache Mod: special thanks to: -Milecoe -Philip Hatake -agus and carbi for the help and testing Credits -Bungie -343 Industries -aLTis -Soi -Fubih -Kinet
Metrobyte is a map I made for the Season 2 of Reclaimers Map Competition. It's available for Halo: Custom Edition and MCC. CE Download: MCC: Release Topic There may or may not be a secret room somewhere Thanks to everyone who contributed: The entire (SBB) team Hispanorum MrChromed Sled Holy Crust Fubih And everyone else who helped me test the map! Special thanks to Nix for the drawings UwU Some assets have been ripped from various MCC games.
Part of the campaign levels turned into multiplayer maps series. Author: Legend996 Map: Spatial Current version: 3.0 Supported gametypes: All Supported players: 1 to 16 Current version release date: May 30th, 2021 Initial release date: April 7th, 2019 Last edited date: October 15th, 2021 Description Spatial takes place in the mysterious not so natural cave featured in the level Halo, shortly after the very first encounters between the crash-landed and scattered survivors of the UNSC Pillar of Autumn and the Covenant on the ring surface. Gameplay The map supports all game modes, both team and free for all, but it's recommended to play on modes such as Capture the Flag, King of the Hill and Slayer. The map consists of two main structures, which constitute the red and blue bases, a third and higher overlooking structure in the middle and a deep abyss that separates them. The gameplay is divided between the forementioned structures and means of getting between them, with there being many different routes and paths players can take to get from side to side, the main and fastest one being the active light bridge, where most of the action and violent encounters will take place, including vehicular combat. Other routes include the more sneaky bottom of the dark and heavy-fogged abyss, which provides a safer but much longer travel, or the top of the overlooking structure, which provides a good sniping spot, but is vulnerable to other snipers on the map. Teleporters are placed for convenience to make getting between places easier. All teleporters are represented as teleporter bases for aesthetic purposes. Below are the approximate map blueprints showing the bases and routes, suggesting the strategies and dynamics that can be applied: Showcase Changes Changes from previous version (2.0): • Added support for all gametypes • Added and changed some weapon placement and player spawn points in favor of all gametypes and general balance • Added some clues and easter eggs Planned changes for next version: • Fix and improve the clunky death barrier scripts at the exits on each side of the tunnel • Fix and improve some spawn points and game mode related flags and issues • Change some teleporter layouts Download
Part of the campaign levels turned into multiplayer maps series. Author: Legend996 Map: Undisclosed Current version: 2.0 Supported gametypes: All Supported players: 1 to 16 Current version release date: September 4th, 2021 Initial release date: March 17th, 2019 Last edited date: October 15th, 2021 Description Undisclosed takes place within the vast and mysterious Library complexes on Installation 04, moments after John 117's daring venture and the Covenant's multiple attempted breaches, where containment protocols and existing defenses seem to have failed despite many assurances, unveiling a much darker and dire reality... Gameplay The map supports all game modes, both team and free for all, but it's recommended to play on modes such as Slayer, King of the Hill and Oddball. The map is set in the large circular Index chamber area, and consists mainly of two opposite sides constituting the bases, with each one being slightly different, and ways to getting between them. Different routes include the main outer ring, which allows for large attacks and team pushing, which is also a strategic point that could affect the course of a match. The inner ring on the other hand, allows for a much faster and strategic rush, but is more exposed and risky overall. Red base has more extra open area that allows for more angle coverage and defense, which is balanced by blue base having faster access to one side of the inner ring through teleporters, which are placed on one side of the inner ring for convenience to make travelling easier. All teleporters are represented as teleporter bases for aesthetic purposes. Showcase Changes Changes from previous version (1.0): • Added support for all gametypes • Added and changed some weapon placement and player spawn points in favor of all gametypes and general balance • Added some clues and easter eggs • Changed some ambient elements Planned changes for next version: • Improve some ambient elements • Fix and change some scenario items and elements Download
This map consists of two symmetrical buildings connected by two metal bridges and stairs for the 4 levels of each building. Recommendation: 10-16 players Supports: -Slayer -Oddball -King of the hill -Race -CTF Images: The map also includes selectable bipeds with LUA script Cyborg | Female | Elite Example: /char elite Also includes 10 colors for each biped usable in FFA and Team Play Example: /colors (list of colors) /char ewheat (first letter of character + color) Download: Map: Biped script: yukiselectbipeds.lua Help and test: -ECD's testers -DG Credits: -Environment Cartography Department -343Industries -Bungie -Gearbox
Shipment (Beta ver 1) Only multiplayer, this map dont have bots Autor: Reus Description: Map based on the original Shipment by @EmmanuelCD Mediafire: Download link Vídeo
Ascetic is a small symmetrical map designed for 4-6 players. Best played on CTF and KOTH but other game types can be fun as well. The map was originally being made back in 2015 after I had a dream of a small map similar to Sandtrap. I didn't think the map worked well so I stopped working on it. In late 2019 I had an idea that might make the map more interesting: mirroring one side of the map and duplicating the middle building to make the map bigger. After messing around with that idea I got inspired to finish the map. Since the map is still fairly small it allowed me to put a lot of detail on it without hitting the engine limits which I'm used to and that gave me more freedom. I spent a lot of time working on visuals to see how good I can make things look and I hope it shows. The map still isn't perfect and there are some things I'd rather change (I wish I had done something better with the doors in the middle that serve no real purpose) but I don't want to spend any more time working on this since nobody is going to play this map anyway lol. There is a backpack weapons script that requires a Chimera build that supports scripting. There are 2 Open Sauce post-processing effects: ambient occlusion and volumetric lighting. Volumetric lighting also requires Chimera to work. There are a few well-hidden easter eggs in the map. You won't be able to find them using devcam so look for clues first. I challenge all of you to find all of the secrets! DOWNLOAD: Custom Edition:!RP5ihQSb!tSAgsnYzlnB5gUVAMyIMOIFNxx5kJiGHwvb9V71l7vk MCC: Author: aLTis Thanks to: StormUndBlackbird team and everyone else who tested the map Solink: Forge Island sky Halo CE Refined team: HUD Burney: some light textures ShikuTeshi: upscaled spartan textures MrChromed: upscaled armor cubemap CtrlAltDestroy / [ZMT] L33T: backpack weapons sbdJazz, Hunter,Iq and Marty McFly: post processing effects Some textures are from Some textures are from the map Seclusion Some assets are from Halo 3 and Halo Reach Screenshots:
Map insipired on Theed from Star Wars Battlefront II 2005 Recommendation: 10-16 players Supports: -Slayer -Oddball -King of the hill -Race -CTF Images: Download: Credits: -Environment Cartography Department -Bungie -Gearbox
UNSC still uses fossil fuels in the future with their extraction operations in distant water worlds... Small map focused on 2v2 Suggested 2-8 players MAX 8 PLAYERS RECOMENDED 4 PLAYERS Supports -King of the Hill -Slayer -Capture the Flag -Oddball Does not Support -Race Pics Download Credits + Me + Shadowmods crew for Testing + Bungie + Gearbox Includes 1 easter egg
When I joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy-schmancy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks, and a rock for the whole platoon—and we had to share the rock! Octagon is a map concept that has been implemented in other Halo games like Halo 2, Reach, Etc. It's used to improves reflexes and aiming. Comisioned by @DaRockCandy in 2019, it never saw a public release until this day. Using stock tags to mimic the HCE aesthetic, its the best version I've made SUPPORTS ONLY SLAYER 2 PLAYER RECOMENDED, MAX 8 PICS Octagon gamplay in other Halos. Download Credits + Me + @DaRockCandy For the original idea + Bungie + Gearbox
Icon is a small multiplayer map originally made by @Sceny a few years ago and modified by @PopeTX28 to support all gametypes. Download: