So, things have been a bit quiet from my front this past month, but I figured I’d post an update to some of the progress that’s been getting made. When I say “team” I currently mean myself; however, I am looking for people to join. If you’re interested shoot me a dm
onto the updates!
SeT had a major revision. I refactored everything to utilize polymorphism a bit more. Hopefully to keep things a bit more organized.
There have been 2 major updates to SeT. One is SEK. Which is a saber editing kit. It’s a hek style set of tools that will be used to modify saber files. this is going to replace SuP. Planned tools are:
S-edit - a guerillaesque program used to edit the files inside the saber paks.
s-tool - a tool-esque program used to compile new files.
P-arc: this will let us pack All the mod files into one file (.s3dpak, .ipak, .imeta, .fmeta, .map). It also lets us send only the modded files, greatly reducing file size.
File size comparison (desert hog mod):
my hopes is this will simplify modding cea, and make it more user friendly.
besides planned programs, my hopes is to create an export/importer with templates to blender.
Coordinates, texture coordinates, and faces have been mapped out for cea. This means I can extract most of the model data; however, this is only for “simple” meshes. I have not found rigging data. Research is still being done. I’m going to attempt to manually build a model into a template to test building soon.
lastly, While the primary focus is for h1, I have been poking around with h2a as well.
I managed to extract the contents of the h2a pck files. I have a lot of templates from there as well.
I figured out some of the model data for them as well; however, I wasn’t able to figure out texture coordinates, or rigging information for that either.
is your interested in helping out, I could really use a hand. I only have ~2 days a week that I can dedicate to this.