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Found 44 results

  1. This script will allow you to ban players via their names. There is two ways you can ban them by their name, first is if they are in the server you can just enter their index number (1-16) and the second is buy manually typing in their name. Players who are name banned with be given default hash bans lasting 1 minute (this is to prevent re-joing by spamming connect <ip:port> <password> which would allow them to rejoin with a default name.) Commands: Ban player index (1-16) or string (no spaces.) nameban <index or string> <reason (only for index bans) > Unbans the ban index of a player (found with namebans.) nameunban <index> Lists all current namebans namebans Download: Pastebin - nameban
  2. This script will disable the "rcon command failed" message such as if you override EVENT_COMMAND or do not otherwise want your server to respond to failed commands. Download (SAPP): rcon_command_failed_disabled.lua
  3. This script will prevent players who leave the server more than an amount of attempts (default is 3 times) in an interval of time (default is 60 minutes) from rejoining. If a player leaves the server this many times, then they are prevented from rejoining temporarily. Note: The game ending does not count as a player leaving. Download (SAPP): exit_throttle.lua
  4. This script can be used to replace SAPP's logging system: Features: - Creates a new file with the current days (os.date("%Y-%m-%d_"))..environment.."Log.txt" (Ex: 10-26-2016_ChatLog.txt) - Saves the files into the servers profilepath.."\logs\" (Ex: C:\HaloServer\MyHaloServer\logs\) - Each environment has its own log file (join/lead, chat, and commands.) - Tracks joining and quitting. (All saved to the date..JoinLog.txt) timestamp New001 has joined the server. IP: Hash: t07a1y4r3alh45h timestamp New001 has left the server. - Tracks chat. timestamp New001: Im saying words! timestamp New002: Im saying words as well! - Tracks commands. timestamp Admin: false Name: New001 Command: /info IP: Hash: t07a1y4r3alh45h timestamp Admin: true Name: New002 Command: /kill *new001 IP: Hash: 4n07h3r6ealh45h I did not include hashes/ip addresses with the chat log because those can be found in the JoinLog (and I presume people cant change their names while in a server.) Yes I know this makes more work for the person looking through these but ctrl+f is a thing and the file looked super messy with it included. NOTE: Only works in HaloCE at the moment. (p.s. Its because I don't know how to get sigs.) Logging script: Pastebin - Log
  5. This script for SAPP accomplishes the goal of keeping your server's teams balanced. When teams have been unbalanced for 5 seconds, it will warn players that teams are unbalanced. If players manually switch teams, they will not get a death, and will respawn instantly. Otherwise, the next player to die on the bigger team will change teams. Download: team_balance.lua Old 1.0 version
  6. This script detects what buttons (wasd, flashlight, zoom etc) player presses and prints that in the console. It's not perfect and suggestions are welcome. This could be used for easy navigation on menu in the console or whatever. input.lua
  7. This script announces whenever an admin uses an admin command of at least a certain level (default being 4). The idea is that some commands like the k, b, and mute are announced, but not commands like "kill" or "lag", which may also be used by admins against troublemakers. This can resolve problems like players wondering why they just randomly died when they were actually just killed by an admin for something like blocking a cave with a banshee. It shouldn't affect commands used by custom commands, events, or the console, however the custom commands themselves are affected. Download (SAPP): admin_snitch.lua
  8. Updated version of my votekick script that was posted in another thread. Noticed some bugs so I kinda re-wrote it, made it shorter, and removed crap that didn't really need to be there. Also I still allow players to kick themselves but I made a custom message if they choose to do that. Let me know if it doesn't work cause I wasn't able to test it. Changes: - Fixed a bug that made it so a second votekick could be called while one was already active. - Fixed a bug where the timeout didn't work. Votekick = votekick.lua
  9. This script will take action against players who spam grenades (particularly in infinite grenades). You can do one of four options: Kick player (optionally ban them for a specified amount of time) Take away their grenades for a specified amount of time Kill the player and optionally add time to their respawn time Kill the player without sending a death message to chat. Players can also be warned before action is taken to give them time to stop spamming grenades. Download: antinadespam.lua
  10. This basically gives you the same power that the OnNameRequest in Phasor did. So this will allow you to change the players name as they join the server, making their name in the scoreboard, chat, and kill feed become the name you set. OnNameRequest Example: https://youtu.be/259by3MEjRc Note: You can just pull the read/write_widestring right out of this script and use it as needed (although I am not sure of any other practical uses.)
  11. This script can be used as a supplement to SAPP's minimal admin system, by introducing groups that are allowed to execute different commands, essentially whitelisting the commands they can use. It allows for much more customization of admins than just using admin levels. Here are some examples of groups. They're only some examples: a group that is in charge of every admin functionality, but has no access to the "naughty" commands or cheat commands a group that has access to certain naughty and cheat commands, but not all of them a group that has access to every command, but still give other admins access to certain level 4 commands What makes this script even more helpful is that it's not limited to a level system like SAPP. You can choose to have two different groups have access to different commands that the other group doesn't have. You can also reload the groups without reloading SAPP using the reload_groups command. Know that scrim_mode will disable this script - If you don't want admins using cheat commands, don't let them use cheat commands. Setting up the script takes a little bit more effort than most other scripts: First, you're going to want to install the separate JSON parser that I'm using, as permissions are stored in JSON format. You can get it here, but I'll also mirror it on this page as well. Place this file in your SAPP folder. Next, load the script and edit the groups.json file that's in the SAPP folder. This is what it will generate if there is no groups.json file. { "group_default": "default", "groups": { "admin": { "commands": [ "sv_map", "map", "sv_maplist", "sv_gamelist", "sv_map_reset", "st", "kill" ], "inherit": "moderator" }, "default": { "commands": [ "afk", "pl" ] }, "moderator": { "commands": [ "ipbans", "inf", "ipunban", "ub" ], "inherit": "submoderator" }, "submoderator": { "commands": [ "k", "sv_kick", "bans", "mute", "textban", "textbans", "mutes", "unmute", "textunban", "sv_ban", "b" ], "inherit": "default" }, "superadmin": { "all_commands": true, "commands": [], "inherit": "admin" } }, "hashes": { "examplehash12345678": "default" }, "ignore_commands": [ "stfu", "unstfu", "info", "stats", "sv_stats", "about", "whatsnext", "login", "lead", "clead", "list" ], "ignore_rcon": false } Edit this file. "hashes" are the player hashes followed by their group. You can get hashes using the inf command if the player is online. For more information, see this post. You can then execute the command reload_groups to reload the permissions. With this setup (generated by default), if a player has the group moderator, moderator inherits from submoderator which inherits from default. This means that they have access to all moderator, submoderator, and default commands. Because ignore_rcon is set to false, rcon commands are also checked. Players that are not listed are assigned to group_default's group, which is the "default" group. Players in the superadmin group have "all_commands" enabled, giving them unrestricted access to every command. Note that SAPP's admin system has the final say, and will deny players commands if their admin levels are not high enough. You can circumvent this by setting players' level to a level that would execute the commands you want them to be allowed to execute. JSON.lua (place in sapp folder): JSON.lua groups.lua (SAPP plugin): groups.lua
  12. This script does is the same thing that an events kill spree messages would do but, it sends it to the console instead and you can choose the alignment of spree or combo message that can be said. http://pastebin.com/Dp1e00kG
  13. Newest version of my Phantom Shot Detection for Sapp, this version also keeps track of how many kills a player gets with phantom shots and will spit out a message to all players in the server when and who they killed with a phantom shot besides tell the whole server that a player is phantom shooting. In this version of Phantom Shot Detection you can have it take action when a player is just using the glitch or to take action when the player is getting kills with the glitch. It also some editable messages for when players phantom shoot and get kills with phantom shots. You can find the script at http://pastebin.com/YbGh7r6X where I will also put updates if any are needed. ~ Skylace
  14. This script was requested a long time ago, and I feel it might deserve its own topic now. What this script does is it sends a message to each new player while keeping track of the number of players online. $PLAYER and $COUNT will be automatically substituted for the player's name and the count of unique players respectively. This script was originally requested by aushrk. I have since updated to support not just CD-key hashes, but also IP addresses and IP addresses with ports (know that some networks might change the client port every game). Download: welcomewagon.lua
  15. The goal of making this was to get a slightly less annoying Carnage Bot using SAPP's new scripting system. What it does is it runs a random command from a list of commands set in its configuration. Configuration is easy to set up. You can set a delay (in seconds). Then, you can set your commands. Be sure to use single quotes to surround the commands so you can use double quotes in the commands. Separate with commas, too. Use escape characters if you need a single quote ( \' ). You can then have it set to not repeat the last X number of commands. Download (SAPP and Phasor): bot.lua Old version (1.1.0)
  16. You can find many of the most useful SAPP scripts listed here. Map Download A script to replace/take place of SAPP's deprecated map_downlaod command. Rallied Teams This configurable script allows players to spawn at their respective team bases, like in CTF. Team Autobalance A handy autobalance script for team games that switches players appropriately only upon their death. Empty Server Reset Automatic map resetting once server has been empty for a defined amount of time. Team Shuffler Allows for configurable automatic team shuffling at the start of each game, and manual team shuffling. Votekick Allows players to vote an individual out of the server. Vehicle Telefrag Adds the telefrag feature to vehicle blockages. There are a number of ways to customize with this script how blockers are dealt with. Sprinting Adds sprint functionality to bipeds, and features a number of ways to customize or balance out. Command Bot This script runs a random command from a list that you can set in its configuration, which is handy for randomized messages and tips ingame. Profanity Buster A filter that automatically blocks chat messages containing profanity. Admin Groups Allows for multiple different admin permission sets. Discord Halo Server Bot A bot allowing you to integrate live server information with Discord. Discord Halo Server Console Bot A bot allowing you to issue commands to a Halo server via Discord.
  17. This script will temporarily ban players for a set amount of time if they use someone's name without the correct CD-key hash. It can be used to supplement SAPP's v2 admin system by adding additional security by also requiring the correct CD hash, preventing people from blocking out admins by taking their names. It can also be used to block out people attempting to impersonate admins. Configuration is slightly complex. Separate each entry with commas. -- {"Name", "hash"}, Separate with commas HASHES = { {"Example Player 1", "00000000000000000000000000000000"}, {"Example Player 2", "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"} } Ban reason can be specified, and if ban time is set to 0, it kicks the player instead of banning them. Download (SAPP only): whitelist.lua Old 1.0 version:
  18. This script will prevent players from camping in vehicles. Players can be warned to move their vehicle after a set amount of time, followed by kicking the player out of their vehicle in some way. By default, it forces the player to exit the vehicle, and then it respawns the vehicle (requires vehicle respawning enabled in the gametypes). vehicleanticamp.lua
  19. This script has the server use SAPP's admin system as a whitelist for players to join servers. It is targeted toward private servers and allows additional security against unwanted players in the case that the password to the server is leaked. By default, it allows players 30 seconds to log in using SAPP's v2 admin system (during which they cannot play and optionally cannot chat), though you can have it kick players instantly instead. It will also ban players who have repeatedly rejoined too many times. Admins can also temporarily allow players: lua_call donotdisturb AllowPlayer player_index minutes, unallow temporary players with lua_call donotdisturb UnallowPlayer player_index, and unallow all temporary players with lua_call donotdisturb UnallowAll even if they aren't logged in. I recommend you use custom commands to make it simpler. You can also disable this feature in the configuration. donotdisturb.lua