What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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About Zarichii

Extra Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Violin, Gaming

Contact Methods

  • PSN

Computer Details

  • Central Processor
    AMD Phenom II P960 Quad-Core 1.80 GHz
  • Memory
    8.00 GB
  1. Me and a friend have been managing a few Minecraft servers for over a year now. We have a basic survival/build server that's a bit on the smaller side, roughly 2-5 players on majority of the day, and a bending server (Avatar; the last Airbender) based around pvp survival running in at 20-30 players at all times. If anyone is interested in either, our site is http://www.etriacraft.com/
  2. It is indeed I, the mighty Carlos, come to lurk on your forums.
  3. http://www.kh2.co.uk...rce=twitterfeed Anybody else excited for the release of this? Since my old Ps2 kind of went up in flames, I've been dying for some new info on the series myself.
  4. Howdy thur, pahtnah. Name is Zack, Zarichii, or if you're feeling adventureous, The Snazzy Zazzy. Anyway, a friend of mine - ScarlettFayt - mentioned it on Facebook today and it seemed pretty cool. Lot's of interesting things to look through on here. So, yeah, hello again. I'ma go do shit now.