So I think I'm gonna build a PC for myself finally. Been on this used Alienware for a while now (I would never pay full price for AW but got a pretty good secondhand deal on it 3 years ago).
Anyway my friend has a spare Ryzen 2600 CPU that he got sent a duplicate of by mistake, he's selling it at half price; it's enough to tempt me into going AMD for a mobo but I wanted to ask around about opinions first on that. My first PC was AMD and I never had a lot of trouble with it, that said I did have a few compatibility issues with Halo modding from time to time and I remember people saying the biggest advantage of Intel over AMD CPU-wise is compatibility. Is that still true? Also is Intel just generally higher quality? I've heard that as well, that they don't slow down over their life much at all. My experience was always positive with both my Intel PC's but I didn't have a lot of experience with the AMD one when it was new (it was a hand-me-down from my dad) so I have no perspective.
I already have my GPU picked, getting one for free from my brother, it's pretty decent (Nvidia 1070). Figure I can always upgrade later if I need to but I don't play any brand new games so it'll be a few years.