What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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About Kvasir

  • Birthday 01/12/1994

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  • Contributed
    $95 (US) to Open Carnage
  • Raffle Victor

Computer Details

  • Central Processor
    AMD Phenom II X4 960T 3.0GHz
  • Motherboard
    Asus M5A88-V Evo
  • Graphics
    AMD Radeon HD 4800 series
  • Memory
    8GB G.skill ram
  • Operating System
    Windows 7

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  1. Happy Late Birthday, Open Carnage. It's hard to believe it's still here.
  2. Remember when we all had more time to do this kind of thing?

    1. Sunstriker7


      Life, uh, finds a way.

  3. Thanks for the birthday wishes, guys! Sorry I didn't get around here before my birthday ended. I really do need to visit more.
  4. Tonight I'll be streaming an old favorite of mine, Antichamber. It's a lesser known indie puzzle game. The art style is very minimalistic and the puzzles are intuitive. You might even learn some life lessons.
  5. Hey guys, I'll be streaming for OC on Sunday and Monday nights. If you have any recommendations for games to stream or would like to join in just drop a post here. I'm pretty new to streaming but hopefully we can have some fun playing weird/interesting games along with the more competitive stuff like Overwatch. On Steam I currently have installed: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Fallout: NV Killing Floor 1 and 2 Planetside 2 Rocksmith 2014 (probably can't easily stream this because of the way it uses the soundcard) Team Fortress 2 (an old favorite of mine) ARK: Survival Evolved Codename CURE (no clue what this even is) Dirty Bomb Skyrim Hotline Miami 2 Starbound Undertale Watch_Dogs (never touched it) Z (no idea what this is) The Stanley Parable Sleeping Dogs Both STALKER games PAYDAY 1/2 Mirror's Edge Metro 2033 HAWKEN The Darkness II Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Antichamber (really cool atmospheric puzzle game)
  6. Hey guys, I want to start streaming more and doing facecam and stuff here soon but for now I'm just playing some Overwatch. Come check it out and chat if you want. https://www.twitch.tv/kvasir
  7. I have been for a little bit now but I haven't been around OC enough to bitch, lol.
  8. Started taking Zoloft and Adderall a few weeks ago, it's working out pretty decently so far. Edit: All hail our glorious overlord Tucker for his everlasting graciousness, amen
  9. Can't stop listening to freestyling and Kristoff Krane lately. And since I already posted some No Bird Sing:
  10. There is a huge delay in control response time for sure. I'm all about that in every game I play and its the main thing that makes consoles feel so unplayable to me. Going from Overwatch to Halo 5: Forge felt so gross.
  11. Some people have emotions they don't want fucked up or they're not the type to get easy sex just because it's easy. It's not worth the time or emotional strain just to get a piece of easy ass (that's also crazy apparently)
  12. ahah. Fuck, I already work as a pizza delivery driver.
  13. Feeling directionless