What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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About miriem

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  1. These two maps are made with the sole purpose of being fun,the maps are a what if bigass had had covenant content or more "hd" textures. if any of the authors of the tags are bothered by the use of these, i will remove the content immediately. i leave the screenshots and download links below, one is a cache mod and the other a "new" map. enjoy. they have 3 bsps. download: {neo}bigass:https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1fqty6ky5zt5dr/%7Bneo%7Dbigass.7z/file Bigassv2,104 Cache Mod:https://www.mediafire.com/file/8ehdf43irlild5u/bigassv2%2C104.rar/file special thanks to: -Milecoe -Philip Hatake -agus and carbi for the help and testing Credits -Bungie -343 Industries -aLTis -Soi -Fubih -Kinet
  2. Excavation is an old map shared on halomaps 16 years ago, i have reused it to test tagsets in scripts. it started as an idea from a friend and ended up being something weirdly cool. (work in progress) map description : "A deep snowy valley with a deep shaft under the main structure". recommendations: -4v4 -CTF,KING,SLAYER,ODDBALL (RACE has a bug with vehicles) -If you use backpack_lua change it only for this map: backpack_weapons.lua -This map has 2 bsp,you can use night mode using switch_bsp 1 original map: http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=1473 screenshots: download:https://www.mediafire.com/file/bkbnh01dzc4819g/%7Bneo%7Dexcavation.rar/file credits: what is neo revolution?
  3. the script doesnt work in chimera 1.0, i dont know if it have some bug or incompatibility.
  4. i have fixed your problem. (neo)sali_creek_fixed https://www.mediafire.com/file/npsljupdwqmbmie/%28neo%29sali_creek.rar/file (burbble shield works in this version.) (200mb)(some weapons have been removed)
  5. thanks for the info, I just reported it because it seemed weird to me. I thought someone might be able to fix the duplication of the biped that fp_legs.lua does.
  6. apparently there are 2 bugs and one of them is due to fp_legs
  7. This should be an outstanding map