What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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About ReclaimerOmega

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Computer Details

  • Name
    Mark Mc'Fuzz
  • Central Processor
    Ryzen 7 5700g
  • Motherboard
    Gigabyte B550M DS3H
  • Graphics
    Radeon Vega 8
  • Memory
    32 GB
  • Storage
    5.5 TB
  • Power Supply
    Gigabyte P750GM 80 PLUS Gold
  • Case
    Aerocool Hive-G-BK-v3
  • Operating System
    Windows 10 Pro

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  1. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Helioskrill Armor V1 I did this biped three years ago; just made a few small features, Model compatible with stock animations Model Optimization New Shaders Optimized Textures FP arms included Doesn't have LODs yet, but it will Note: Doesn't Include HUD; all shaders are vanilla (not OpenSauce). - - - The assault rifle shown in the pictures can be found on next link: Installation: Extract the Zip file in your tags directory. The biped is in this route: tags\keymind\halo_5\characters\unsc\helioskrill FP Arms are in this route: tags\keymind\halo_5\characters\unsc\_fp Permissions: You are free to repurpose and use this mod in any way you want; just give the proper credit. Credits: -343i: Biped, FP arms models and textures -ReclaimerOmega: Model work, asset port, and shaders. -YI$$U$™: Techsuit rigging -Keymind Dev Team: BSP, plasma pistol, and HUD for the pictures. -MosesOfEgypt: MEK (Mo's Editing Kit) Please give me feedback if you'd like. helioskrill_biped_v1.zip
  3. ASSAULT RIFLE MA5D Here is the assault rifle from Halo 5, I did this three years ago, just made a few small tweaks for this first public version. New Animations LODs Model Optimization New Shaders Optimized Textures New Muzzle Flash New Casing Effect New Sounds Note: Not Include HUD, all shaders are vanilla (not OpenSauce), random animations are vía Lua scripting. - - - Installation: Extract the Zip file in your tags directory. The weapon is in this route: tags\keymind\halo_5\weapons\rifle\assault_rifle Permissions: You are free to repurpose and use this mod in any way you want, only give the proper credit. Credits: -343i: Assault rifle model and textures -ReclaimerOmega: Model work, asset port, animations, shaders, sounds, effects. -Keymind Dev Team: BSP and character and HUD for the pictures. -Gravemind: Adjutant -MosesOfEgypt: MEK (Mo's Editing Kit) Please give me feedback if you want. assault_rifle_ma5d.zip