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About Legend996

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  1. Crashed Banshee (Clean) Have you ever seen the unique crashed Banshee just before the gravity lift in the level Keyes? Have you ever wanted to use it in your map, but felt annoyed about how its front part is all covered in some kind of weird crap/dirt texture? (Maybe flood tissue, maybe someone's vomit?) Have you ever wanted a variant that just looks right like a regular and ordinary Banshee wreck? Look no further! I present to you a variant of the Banshee wreck featured in the stock tags, but with altered textures to look like a normal Banshee wreck. Compared to the original Banshee wreck (left): Recommended path to install: tags\996\scenery\debris\> Download: banshee_crashed_clean.zip
  2. Good job. It has those oldschool vibes that I love and looks remarkably similar to Regret's Temple and other Installation 05 architecture as featured in Halo 2. Although I would change some details here and there for perfection, overall a very good map.
  3. Excellent map, another of those oldschool looking maps that could've been in the original Xbox release back in 2001. Also those changes to the scenario from the beta version greatly enrich the overall ambient and feel.
  4. Introduction You might have noticed that for some time now, some maps have been emerging here and there (since early 2019 approximately), that are parts of single player levels turned into multiplayer maps. But they are not just any maps with a bunch of weapons thrown in them, they are maps that stick out compared to other SP-MP maps, with special dedication and a lot of thought put into them, to feel like or almost like a regular multiplayer map. You likely have guessed it correctly by now, they are maps from my campaign levels turned into multiplayer maps series. For the longest time, I never really bothered to promote, further explain or showcase them. All the time until not-so long ago I even decided to stay anonymous for reasons I won't disclose, hence why some of the earlier maps might not be named. So I think now would be the appropriate time and place (I hope) to finally present, talk about and explain them in one well-rounded post at this wonderful and cozy place out of all places, full of the most dedicated of Halo fans, modders, programmers and other passionate and ambitious individuals. Goals When taking a piece of a single player level and turning it into a multiplayer map, I don't just take it and mindlessly throw a bunch of trash in it and call it a map like most other conversions. I have a few goals in mind, and a lot of thought and meditation usually goes in order to make the best possible product, that meets a few standards and expectations (just like any other maps but maybe not as much as mappers that have an additional objective of creating their own BSP). Some of these goals are important and some of them are just for my own satisfaction, but they all probably have the same weight in making the maps stand out a little bit more. Here are some of those goals: • Classic layout: Make use of already existing assets and tags only, such as weapons, vehicles, bipeds, scenery, textures and bitmaps (though sometimes there might be exceptions). This is so the map feels natural and as close to the vanilla game as possible, but with the capability of playing against multiple people just like in a regular server/matchmaking game. • Support for all gamemodes: When only possible, all gamemodes are supported on the maps, though this might not always be the case. Some levels/parts/BSPs are problematic with specific gamemodes so not all gamemodes are supported on all maps, or they aren't yet supported. • General balance: An essential aspect, especially for team games, to make a map enjoyable and fun. With a lot of meditation, thought and testing, the best possible balance is attempted to be created in each map for all gamemodes, team and free for all alike. • Make use of the whole map area: Of course these are not professional creations like the official multiplayer maps, but likewise, here the whole area of the map (or most of it) is used or transformed in the best ways possible into gameplay area. • Unique ambient and scenery: To spice things up a little, unique ambient and scenery elements are added to each map that make it feel more original and immersive. • Easter eggs and clues: Some of them are connected to campaign, some are not. Some are connected to some other different things... Open to interpretation. • A place in the timeline: The map feels like it is placed somewhere in the Halo timeline and is happening during or before/after some point in the campaign. Maybe even in timelines that reach other Halo games, who knows... This is hinted by the date on each map, and connected to previous two points/goals. Maps Here are my maps so far, and some hints about upcoming ones as well. These maps get updated and come out in versions, but they all aim to eventually have a final release some day, so I will link the topic to each specific map, which will also get updated when the map gets updated. This list below will also get updated. Condemned Current version: 3.1 Main topic: NYA Critical Current version: 2.0 Main topic: NYA Extraneous Current version: 3.0 Main topic: https://opencarnage.net/index.php?/topic/8214-extraneous-v30/ Infinite Current version: 3.0 Main topic: https://opencarnage.net/index.php?/topic/8440-infinite/ Perdition Current version: 2.0 Main topic: NYA Released (future name change planned) Current version: 2.0 Main topic: https://opencarnage.net/index.php?/topic/8291-released-v20/ Spatial Current version: 3.0 Main topic: https://opencarnage.net/index.php?/topic/8334-spatial/ Undisclosed Current version: 2.0 Main topic: https://opencarnage.net/index.php?/topic/8414-undisclosed/ One upcoming map from the level Assault on the Control Room Current version: TBA Main topic: TBA Additionally a map co-created with author Pro Shooter, whose promotion I account to: Eluded (previously known as just Cartographer) Current version: 3.4 Main topic: https://opencarnage.net/index.php?/topic/8208-eluded-v34/ Without much else to add, I hope you enjoy my maps. Also needless to say, any feedback, suggestions and/or reports are more than welcome. Have a good day!
  5. The party goes on with some Coag CTF.
  6. I can't tell much from that video, but i'm pretty sure that doesn't have to do anything with the weapon you're holding, to me it looks like a problem related to either an external Lua script running in the server, an improper SAPP configuration or some event running preventing the flags from spawning, and the solution to all of those would have to be discussed with the respective server owner. Moreover, a problem with players spawning and waiting for space to clear has been reported a handful of times, we are currently still trying to track down the cause of it and will try to improve it among many other things in the next version.
  7. DISCLAIMER - This map isn't related in any way to upcoming game Halo Infinite Part of the campaign levels turned into multiplayer maps series. Author: Legend996 Map: Infinite Current version: 3.0 Supported gametypes: All Supported players: 1 to 16 Current version release date: October 15th, 2021 Initial release date: July 13th, 2019 Last edited date: October 15th, 2021 Description Infinite takes place on top of one of the steep cliffs faces overlooking one of the many massive landscapes located Installation 04, moments after the successful rescue operation of scattered UNSC Pillar of Autumn survivors, with the Covenant reportedly still searching for something... Gameplay The map supports all game modes, both team and free for all, but it's recommended to play on modes such as Slayer, King of the Hill and Oddball. The map consists of the cliff edge area, divided into the main middle beam emitter structure, two smaller structures, which serve as the red and blue bases and spawn areas, the underground passage and the rest of the open spaces in between. The gameplay is divided between the structures and means of getting between them, with there being different routes and paths players can take to get from side to side, the main and fastest ones being the open spaces between structures, which allow for a somewhat limited yet entertaining amount of vehicular combat, and is where most of the action and major battles will be likely taking place. Another route is constituted by the underground passage, which allows for a more sneaky approach but could potentially result in violent encounters. Control of the middle structure could result in advantage and affect the course of a match. Both entrances to the area are blocked off by rocks for indicative purposes. Showcase Changes Changes from previous version (2.0): • Added support for all gametypes • Fix and improve some spawn points and game mode related flags and issues • Added and changed some weapon placement and player spawn points in favor of all gametypes and general balance • Added some clues and easter eggs Planned changes for next version: • Fix and change some scenario items and elements Download https://www.mediafire.com/file/4vypmidoh3iqn76/Infinite_v3%2C0.zip/file
  8. Any more details or at least can you specify which weapons? The map is a complex one and your feedback doesn't help very much with fixing any eventual problems. But anyway thanks and have a nice day.
  9. Cool map, also reminiscent of Derelict in some ways.
  10. Added map video
  11. Added map video
  12. Part of the campaign levels turned into multiplayer maps series. Author: Legend996 Map: Undisclosed Current version: 2.0 Supported gametypes: All Supported players: 1 to 16 Current version release date: September 4th, 2021 Initial release date: March 17th, 2019 Last edited date: October 15th, 2021 Description Undisclosed takes place within the vast and mysterious Library complexes on Installation 04, moments after John 117's daring venture and the Covenant's multiple attempted breaches, where containment protocols and existing defenses seem to have failed despite many assurances, unveiling a much darker and dire reality... Gameplay The map supports all game modes, both team and free for all, but it's recommended to play on modes such as Slayer, King of the Hill and Oddball. The map is set in the large circular Index chamber area, and consists mainly of two opposite sides constituting the bases, with each one being slightly different, and ways to getting between them. Different routes include the main outer ring, which allows for large attacks and team pushing, which is also a strategic point that could affect the course of a match. The inner ring on the other hand, allows for a much faster and strategic rush, but is more exposed and risky overall. Red base has more extra open area that allows for more angle coverage and defense, which is balanced by blue base having faster access to one side of the inner ring through teleporters, which are placed on one side of the inner ring for convenience to make travelling easier. All teleporters are represented as teleporter bases for aesthetic purposes. Showcase Changes Changes from previous version (1.0): • Added support for all gametypes • Added and changed some weapon placement and player spawn points in favor of all gametypes and general balance • Added some clues and easter eggs • Changed some ambient elements Planned changes for next version: • Improve some ambient elements • Fix and change some scenario items and elements Download https://www.mediafire.com/file/s2hx3tuahnawkid/Undisclosed_v2.0.zip/file
  13. Ah, the legendary octagon aka the corpse piling cage returns. Good work.
  14. Thanks. And no there is not any official list or thread or something with my maps, but I plan on releasing something along those lines soon, though i'm not sure if it will be here on this forum.