What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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About RXK1NG

  • Birthday 05/26/1998

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  • Interests
    Music, Gaming, Food, HALO

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    RX K1NG

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  • Central Processor
    Ryzen 1600
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    RX %80
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    16 GB CORSAIR Vengeance 3200Mhz DDR4
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    930GB HDD
  • Mouse
    Razer Deathadder Elite
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. We all are man! I don't know if we'll ever get a true server browser, but we are gonna get a custom game browser for reach this upcoming season!
  2. Hey Everyone! Hope you all are having a wonderful day/night! So, I figured I'd like to get some conversation stirring on the recent developments in the modding scene in terms of the MCC. As many of you probably know, Season 7 is dropping on June 23rd. And with this Season, we will be getting new CE skins, Elite armors, and most importantly, we will be getting the first set of modding tools, specifically for Halo CE! For those of you who havent heard the news yet, 343i has confirmed that we will be getting CE tools this upcoming season. Various sources have confirmed this including 343i Employee Mr Farnication himself, and Sean Swidersky the producer over at 343i studios! Sean Confirming Tools For Season 7 Farn's input on the tool release With all of this exciting information, I ask you guys, what do you think about all of this? Do you think we might get into a golden age of custom edition style halo content again? Personally, I feel that with CE tools coming out, multiple things will be happening: A: We will be seeing a new refined set of CE tools (hopefully) for a better workflow, and also we will see new people coming to the modding community! B: We will have future tools coming out for the other halo titles, hopefully with each season from here on out, and hopefully to custom edition levels of creativity! I think a lot of cool custom stuff will be coming to the MCC very soon in the coming months, and I potentially see a new "Custom Edition" type of era coming to Halo, and that is super exciting!
  3. One of my all time favorite songs!
  4. These are so cool! They look fantastic, great work man!
  5. This is so sick dude, amazing work. Nice to see some Perfect Dark in Halo CE
  6. Literally ANYTHING from the Halo 2 soundtrack. I go for more of the ambient/relaxed tracks like Unforgotten, Sacred Icon Suite, Ghosts Of Reach. As for non Halo, I listen to a lot of Nu Metal, Grunge, Punk, and Aphex Twin
  7. Got a new PC and been doing school so I havent been as active as I'd like, I enjoy stuff similar and more in horror! I pretty much enjoy everything except like corny shock factor gore films or videos. I also really like Creepypastas, and other spooky stuff on youtube!
  8. Video Of Issue Described I've asked in multiple Halo discords but got no replies, I have this issue where textures will slightly flicker on parts of levels, single and multiplayer, and I've looked around and even scoured google for answers. I'm using Chimera, interpolation is on, Chimera_af enabled, model detail default, and all graphics set to high with vsync on. Tried not using vsync, tried editing Radeon settings, (turning vsync on and off there). This only happens with custom edition, MCC H1 is fine. Any help would be amazing, thanks so much and sorry to bother! Also I have uninstalled/reinstalled and done the same with Chimera. Really sucks cause I want to get into modding for this game and I cant play it without this issue happening, noticed it on certain maps like Damnation, Silent Cartographer, and various Custom Maps. Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor, 3200 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s) Installed Physical Memory (RAM): 16.0 GB GPU: RX 580 EDIT: Problem has been solved thanks to someone in the Reclaimers discord! Using DgVoodoo2 has eliminated the problem entirely!
  9. Thank you so much! Glad to be here! And sadly I havent made anything for HCE yet, but I really would love to get into it, just haven't found any mapping or modeling etc tutorials. Im a fast learner so if I find some in depth guides I'd definitely get goin on that. And mainly I just use the site to see what people have made, maps, bipeds, tags etc etc. Also like to see if there are updates to things such as Invader, Open Sauce, etc etc. Or use it to get said maps and things
  10. It's about time I made an account here, I've been using the site for quite some time LOL. Hello Everyone! I'm RXK1NG, or Dillan, either is fine. I've been a long time fan of the Halo series, specifically Halo 1/Custom Edition, and Halo 2. I started playing on PC, around maybe age 8 or 9ish? Im 22 so I've been playing for quite some time, mainly Custom Edition. I'm super easy going, and I'm big on kindness. I enjoy Gaming, Art, Music such as Rock, Punk, and Oldies Rap. I also enjoy anything horror related, and technology stuff in general. Hope to get to know a lot of you, and possibly make some friendships here! Feel free to message me or reply to any of my posts on the site in the future. Much Love!