What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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  1. Awesome, glad to hear it. The frame interpolation really shines at 100FPS+ and it would be a shame to have it locked to 60 in fullscreen mode. Crysis 1 has the same issue. Thanks for all your hard work!
  2. Think I may have found a bug? When I use the fullscreen parameter in video_mode under chimera.ini, refresh_rate is capped to 60 but I'm able to use 1440p. My target refresh is 155. Normally this wouldn't be a problem since I can just use windowed mode which will use my desktop refreshrate, but when I do that my target resolution of 2560*1440 isn't used. It defaults back to 800*600 with no way to restore 1440. I tried using 1920*1080 + windowed instead and that worked no problem, so I assume chimera isn't applying the resolution patch for some reason.