What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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About GoulactiX

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  1. do these old versions still have that folder that gets made automatically when you launch the game and you can put your own commands in it ? ( chimerasave.txt and chimerainit.txt )
  2. "Chimera is compatible with both community patches (open sauce and hac2) and should never be disabled. " that is not right - Ive spend hours trying to make ope sauce work with chimera and the game always crashing on launch. removing chimera fixes that but where is the fan in that ?
  3. then how come players managed to make both work ? does that has to do with the version of chimera ? If i go to an old build i don't get the feature of file regenerating for chimmera where you can save your commands in
  4. I can't seem to make the chimera -572 build work with the open sauce mod - I get an error while launching the game (custom edition) . both mods are integral to make the game better and i can't give up on either is there a workaround ?