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Posts posted by MrChromed

  1. Infinite CE - Sentinel Biped Tags


    Plain and simple: the Halo Infinite Sentinel ported to Halo CE. Uses H1 bones so it's totally compatible with the stock Sentinel animations (also included in the pack along with other references). I've also included LODs for this model. The Sentinel has a nice, gray/metallic looking with some worn out detail on the edges. Some pics:







    (Some nice hexagon details for those hexa-phobic people)



    (Idle pose)






    NOTE: The Sentinel uses a gray color which is controlled by the letter "A" in the "Change Color", permutations section (.biped). If you want to mess around with other colors, you can change it here:




    - 343i/Xbox Game Studios: Original game assets
    - MrChromed (myself): Porting, rigging, texturing, shaders and sounds.



    - Source textures (PSD format, compatible with Adobe Photoshop): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IgwxZ78qJyZkV5XCmJg0yjeFXJfDwqPw/view?usp=sharing

    - Tag downloadhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1zd2ejnVjIUe5d1EsWZeCG-OA72JXWUJr/view?usp=sharing


    Did you miss my previous releases?
    > Mark VII Core Spartan Bipeds: https://opencarnage.net/index.php?/topic/8519-halo-infinite-spartan-bipeds-mark-vii-core/

    > Monitor Bipeds: https://opencarnage.net/index.php?/topic/8520-halo-infinite-monitors-bipeds/

    Takka, aLTis, tarikja and 1 other like this

  2. Halo Infinite Spartan bipeds for Halo CE (Mark VII Core - Version 1)


    I've been working on these models since a few months and I feel it's time to make a release of my work. As some of you may know, Halo Infinite uses a new PBR system called "Procedural Materials" (ProcMats), so I had to convert all those multiple layers into classic diffuse + multipurpose textures and the results are pretty satisfactory IMO. This first version (I want to bring more updates in the upcoming weeks or months) includes 16 armors (from the Mark VII Core), 11 shoulderpad pieces and 4 kneepad pieces. 

    Current armors list:

    - Anubis

    - Aviator

    - Cavallino

    - Enigma

    - E.O.D

    - Firefall (ODST)

    - I.S.R

    - Mark V Zeta

    - Mark VII

    - Scout

    - Soldier

    - Trailblazer

    - Unknown armor name 1

    - Unknown armor name 2

    - Warmaster

    - ZVEZDA


    Armor pics:













    It also includes FP hands:




    The bipeds use H1 bones so it's compatible with stock animations and stuff. You'll also see some interesting stuff going on when you look at the hands in third person view, but it was made to avoid wristle rigging twistings because of stock bones and poses. I optimized the polycount considerably so you shouldn't have to worry about these models in-game too much (performance-wise). Although I want to include LoDs and more optimizations (especielly drawcall-wise) in the upcoming updates alongide chest/thigh/arms/helmet attachments and some other stuff I really can't show right now because of EULA reasons. README file included in the zip file just in case.



    - 343 Industries/Xbox Game Studios: Original game assets.

    - MrChromed (myself): Rigging, porting, texturing and shading.

    - Snowy: for using her Invader kit <3





    If you wanna see more of my work, updates, news and other projects I'm working on right now (Coop Evolved and Forge CE), please consider joining to our DISCORD SERVER:


    tarikja, Takka and Slatchey like this

  3. Fireteam Raven FP hands for Halo Custom Edition


    NOTE: The following topic is strongly related to this other one:

    Yesterday, I released a tags pack with all of the four Fireteam Raven bipeds for Halo CE. Unfortunately, that first version didn't include their FP hands models. Today, I finally managed to port them into Halo CE.


    1. Communication/COMM FP hands:

    2. Demolition/DEMO FP hands:

    3. Heavy/HVY FP hands:

    4. Tactical/TAC FP hands:


    Now the entire pack is complete. I'll post the new link with both the bipeds and FP hands, and I'll also make sure to update the link in the other topic I made yesterday as well. Have fun! And remember... Feet first into hell!


    - MrChromed (me): model porting, rigging, texturing, shaders.
    - Gravemind2404: author of "Reclaimer", extractor used to rip the FP hands.




    (SBB) Storm and Takka like this

  4. You could edit custom maps with HEK, yeah (just make sure you extract the map's tagset with MEK's Refinery or Invader's invader-extract. The thing is: once you edit such stats, that custom map will become a "new" custom map. It won't be compatible with the "original" custom map since those edits would desync between the two versions.

  5. 5 hours ago, Java said:

    Might need this library of function as well...


    1. Create a folder called lua inside your game folder (where haloce.exe is located)

    2. Place attached file inside said folder


    The lua-blam.lua is pulled from Sleds GitHub



    Attachment: lua-blam.lua



    Thanks for pointing that out! I guess we'll need to take a look again into the code, since the point was to only use Chimera for these scripts and not lua-blam.

    Alright! Updates were applied and the scripts now don't need to use lua-blam in order to work (Chimera is enough). The OP contains the new scripts. Thanks to @.þsϵυdø.þrø×϶n for notify that problem.

    Java likes this

  6. Despite the fact that a devcam command will be present in the final release of Chimera (1.0), you can use this simple Lua script for older builds (like -572 or -581) in the meantime. This is useful for people like me that only kept using HAC2 because of its "devcam 1/0" command. To use it, you can type the following commands (you can type whichever command you prefer):



    devcam 1

    dc 1

    d 1


    To exit devcam mode, just replace the "1" with a "0". Drop this script in Documents\My Games\Halo CE\chimera\lua\global

    Author: Sled.

    DOWNLOAD: devcam.lua