What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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Everything posted by MrChromed

  1. Since a lot of people have been using Master Noob's H4 Master Chief biped for quite some time (2013), we (ShadowMods) have decided to make a better port (well, in our perspective). This includes better shaders and textures in higher resolution, better rigging, LODs and some polycount optimizations. It uses the stock H1 bone-set, so it will be compatible with cyborg tags (collision_geometry, model_animations, etc.). We know a lot of people don't like 343i's art, but we always wanted to provide a better-quality biped. The biped will be released in different separated versions (because why not?): SINGLEPLAYER: - Normal: The SP Master Chief. Made specifically for singleplayer projects. - Clean version: The SP Master Chief, but without scratches and damage on the right side of his chest. This was made as a request of some people. MULTIPLAYER: - Normal: The MP Master Chief. Made specifically for multilplayer purposes. - Clean version: The MP Master Chief, but without scratches and damage on the right side of his chest. SOME PICS (VANILLA SHADERS): (MULTIPLAYER VERSION. THEY INCLUDE A "CLEAN" VERSION AS WELL, BUT I WON'T POST IT SINCE IT'S POINTLESS). NOTE: Keep in mind that the visor uses a color-change mask and a color permutation function ("D"). So, in case you use the gbxmodel in another .biped file, make sure you set up a new "letter D" function with proper colors. HOW TO USE IT IN YOUR PROJECTS? Just extract the .7z file(s) and place it/them into your "tags" folder. Enjoy! CREDITS: - 343 Industries: Original model. - Gravemind: Author of "Adjutant". - MosesOfEgypt: Author of "MEK (Mo's Editing Kit)". - Solink: Rigging, Polycount optimization and LODs. - MrChromed: Textures and shaders. LINKS: - Halo 4 Master Chief MP: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1a2kZoLPpucLpOB3uAI7UC4wWH7YuZe-h - Halo 4 Master Chief MP (Clean Armor): https://drive.google.com/open?id=16IfPbjCiRTobKnMP9TPsXRLkOgkjWmTp - Halo 4 Master Chief SP: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fDwtBuqMdocS7joQI-cZx860HB760X8O - Halo 4 Master Chief SP (Clean Armor): https://drive.google.com/open?id=162h_CCPzT1kcJ0L69KesnJX6-dY-BNTB - Halo 4 Master Chief (entire SP and MP set): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ctX62uP6ZZDYJgOZYrzxaPjoflbmsYQX
  2. Nice update! Btw, I hope you can add Xbox Safe Zones soon. I really miss that feature.
  3. Really nice results indeed. I hope you used some of the uncompressed textures available using MEK's TexSource.
  4. Sure thing. Let me port the PC maps to CE using Refinery. I'll post a link here in case you want to mirror it. Alright, here's the link with the campaign converted to CE using Refinery. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XyrmkJNzurAZIA5uXjellExl-D4bZHg1
  5. No. I mean, Renamon's port is REALLY broken. By the time that port was released, HEKPlus was used to extract some assets. And we all know how shitty HEKPlus is. The Renamon campaign shouldn't be considered a decent port. - It has a lack of AI throwing grenades. - Some AI squads don't follow you. - Sentinels (in The Maw) not moving from their spawnpoints. - Switches (Forerunner holograms) with rendering problems. - Really weird positioning of Med Packs on A10 (all of them are placed on the floor, when they should be placed on walls). - Black-bordered lightning textures (you can see this in 343 Guilty Spark, The Library and The Maw). - Navpoints not appearing. - Music not sounding when necessary. - Some other minor bugs. That's why I think the Renamon version of the campaign shouldn't be shared to the community like, ever again. Nowadays, we have better extraction programs such as Refinery. You can just grab the PC maps, extract them with Refinery and then compile them with tool. And you'll get a perfect port instantly.
  6. Isn't that Renamon port broken? I highly suggest to use the Refined Campaign instead. https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloCERefined/comments/9lpf14/halo_combat_evolved_refined/