What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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About icstars2

Extra Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    The basement
  • Occupation
    Professional Insulter
  • Interests
    Cocaine, adventures, As7raios
  • Contributed
    $20 (US) to Open Carnage

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  1. In a train vs elephant scenario, nobody wins.
  2. Moved on Monday, such a crazy experience to combine with finals. New place is pretty cool, a bit smaller but also a bit nicer.
  3. Failed my calc final/class today. Pretty disappointing, but I'll try again next semester. Then I have a 97% in another of my classes, but the teacher will only be giving me a B+... Not the best end to my summer.
  4. As an ex-Home Depot employee, cacti are a pain in the ass. "Are these really purple/indigo/violet/uber rare to see in nature flowers real?" No. Still, nice cacti! The only cacti I own are dragon fruits and resin spurge, because reasons. Also, the reason some of your cacti are probably changing colors is because the ones at HD tend to be painted, usually with a spray. It's what the growers do, not HD people.
  5. If the CIA wants to know about my porn and cat video habits then I say let them at it.
  6. I know the encryption is super cool and all, but it's the NSA. I'm sure they can find SOME way around it, eventually.
  7. Walked around the apartment complex buzzed and found this that somebody didn't take in a move, as well as a mini fridge and an assortment of other stuff.
  8. Donated plasma this morning, $70 richer now aww yeah
  9. Maybe I'm missing something from how he died, but did he place the mortar tube or the mortar on top of his head? I don't see how the firework would have killed him short of the force on his neck being too great or something wrong with the firework itself causing it to explode without launching through the tube.
  10. I would be very surprised if there wasn't an app made within the first week that disables automatic updating.
  11. Steak and shake is open 24/7 and if you go after midnight they have this thing called a 7x7... http://www.steaknshake.com/menu/up-all-night/up-all-night-menu/7x7-steakburger-n-fries Its one of the best things in the universe
  12. English and American Sign Language. Also some Spanish, but not much as it's been a while. I just noticed your name, have you been deaf from birth? I'm a CODA with minor hearing loss myself.
  13. Only 3 years haha. Went here last week. Very cool place.