What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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Everything posted by PopeTX28

  1. Lots of people are having issues with MCC tools at the moment since the most recent update btw. Stuff seems to be breaking, and people can't compile maps as of now for H3.
  2. I guess I can make my 15th map. Already drew a layout today. Now that I think about it, I've never made a beach/island based map.
  3. Author: PopeTX28 Map Size: Small, Asymmetrical. Designed for 2v2. This is a UNSC themed map designed for 2v2 and other small party gametypes, the map is Asymmetrical in design. The map is inspired from Chrion-TL34, Rat Race, and Wizard. I hope you enjoy. --Custom Edition Version Download-- https://www.mediafire.com/file/dwyrf5tauzafwkx/Gothra-CE.zip/file --MCC Version--
  4. Can't wait to actually play this map. It looks amazing and the layout is neat. Certainly seems like a map that would have shipped with CE.
  5. SOI my man, I've been looking forward to a version 3 of this campaign. But I'm a bit salty that you gave credit to my evil step brother PopeAK47. LOL I'm looking forward to playing this! Great work, I'm excited!
  6. I meant to post this map after the competition, but it seems I forgot! Author: PopeTX28 Map Size: Asymmetrical, 2v2. This is a map that was designed for Reclaimer's map competition #2. It's based on the 2nd blockout. My goal was to create a forerunner ruins environment in the middle of a oasis/desert. The map is only available for Custom Edition. ---LINK BELOW--- Ruins of Alph.zip
  7. This map was excellent! It was very fun to play on, probably one of the most fun maps I've played on. Great job!
  8. Map was decent fun. A bit bright, but not a bad arena map!
  9. Author: PopeTX28 Map Size: Small, Asymmetrical. Designed for 2v2. This is a UNSC themed map designed for 2v2 and other small party gametypes, the map is Asymmetrical in design. The map is inspired from Chrion-TL34, Rat Race, and Wizard. I hope you enjoy. Install instruction for MCC: 1) Navigate to your \steamapps\common\Halo The Master Chief Collection\halo1\maps location. 2) Re-name the current putput.map (chiron-TL34) to putput2.map or putput.old. 3) Copy this map the maps folder. 4) Be sure to either remove this map and rename the original putput2.map back to its original name when you are done playing. --MCC Version Download-- https://www.mediafire.com/file/6mmxhwoq1h8rtba/Gothra-MCC.zip/file --Custom Edition Version--
  10. You can go ahead and link it. I completely forgot that there was a MCC section.
  11. It was pretty fun. I'd say move the sniper near the teleporter exit or maybe before the entrance. The opposite team could just camp people from getting the sniper. It was fun trolling people with the turret. Especially knocking warthogs off the bridge. Good job making the turret useful and fun.
  12. lol. It was a long painful wait until he was done. Love the guy though. Hog Derby Duels was fun.
  13. I could use a helping hand. You offering?
  14. This was a fun map to play race on.
  15. It's mostly just organized gamenights now. The SBB gamenights are usually done weekly.
  16. Great job with this!
  17. Congrats on winning 1st place in the reclaimers competition! Well deserved!
  18. Thanks for the support everyone! I just won 2nd place in the reclaimers competition! This map is still a WIP....I'm hoping to finalize it with better textures, Aether lighting, and a secret room....Oh, And of course, fixing any gameplay breaking elements.
  19. This is for the reclaimers map competition hosted by CE3. The map is a public beta. The map is obviously an inspiration of the Halo 3 map Snowbound. I wanted to create a larger symetrical version of the map for CE. Plus, there aren't a lot of covenant maps. Overall, I'm highly satisfied with where this map is now. Recommended Gametypes: CTF and Team Race. Please post any issues here as well, I eventually want to release a final version of this map, which will be 10x more prettier. Thank you OC for remaining cool. Link to the map file: Snowbind-PB.zip
  20. You could modify the walls to the ^ symbol on the BSP material. It essentially would make the walls a climbable surface. There probably is a script tho.
  21. I remember this from a long time ago on Modacity I believe! Thanks for providing this stuff.
  22. Good to see you here. :3
  23. Does this mean I can make similar maps using your tags?
  24. Seriously, this popped up in my feed.....Did Nakedchick intentionally name this map 'Alaska' for a reason? Also, thanks for still uploading Storm. :3