What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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  1. Sceny liked a status update by WaeV, Apparently it's possible to force Halo to run in widescreen on the original Xbox us   
    Apparently it's possible to force Halo to run in widescreen on the original Xbox using a few hex edits. Search for "Halo" on this page http://ps2wide.net/xbox.html
  2. Pfhunkie liked a status update by WaeV, I wish MCC would let you choose the map you want to play on. Still haven't managed   
    I wish MCC would let you choose the map you want to play on. Still haven't managed to play Danger Canyon CTF on MCC.
  3. WaeV liked a status update by Kvasir, Remember when we all had more time to do this kind of thing?   
    Remember when we all had more time to do this kind of thing?
  4. WaeV liked a status update by Ryx, noticed the dig @ dennis on not serving ads and shed a tear for modhalo :'(   
    noticed the dig @ dennis on not serving ads and shed a tear for modhalo :'(
  5. WaeV liked a status update by Java, Sorta Latest Phasor. Took out some boost stuff so it would compile. Will be fixing   
    Sorta Latest Phasor. Took out some boost stuff so it would compile. Will be fixing it so it does signature scanning so it will work with 1.10

    So as of now this is only for 1.09 Dedi
    PC Dedi 1.09 
    CE Dedi 1.09 
  6. WaeV liked a status update by Java, Some Sapp CE dlls unpacked from its retarded packing.   http://www.proxeni   
    Some Sapp CE dlls unpacked from its retarded packing.
  7. WaeV liked a status update by Java, Updated with some more screenshots   
    Updated with some more screenshots
  8. Floofies liked a status update by WaeV, Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 will never stop being an amazing game   
    Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 will never stop being an amazing game
  9. WaeV liked a status update by Skeezix the Cat, Built my first custom water cooling loop.  CPU stays at a frosty 35C running AIDA64   
    Built my first custom water cooling loop.  CPU stays at a frosty 35C running AIDA64.  UNFORTUNATELY that's only with 3 cores active and at a cap of 1.2GHz...not quite as impressive
  10. WaeV liked a status update by Kavawuvi, As a reminder, I do not accept script requests directed towards myself. Please use   
    As a reminder, I do not accept script requests directed towards myself. Please use the proper sections for these types of requests. See my "About Me" section for more information.
  11. Pra3tor1an liked a status update by WaeV, New post by Wait but Why! 1/3 Elon Musk fanboyism and 2/3 science, with a side of M   
    New post by Wait but Why! 1/3 Elon Musk fanboyism and 2/3 science, with a side of MS Paint.
  12. WaeV liked a status update by Kavawuvi, There's nothing like having a blue sphere of plasma as an avatar for over three ye   
    There's nothing like having a blue sphere of plasma as an avatar for over three years.

  13. WaeV liked a status update by Skeezix the Cat, RIP in peace, Intel.  AMD is coming for dat booty   
    RIP in peace, Intel.  AMD is coming for dat booty
  14. WaeV liked a status update by Takka, We HTTPS now.   
    We HTTPS now.
  15. NeX liked a status update by WaeV, Quickbeam release, with in-memory reference swapping! Check it out   
    Quickbeam release, with in-memory reference swapping! Check it out
  16. WaeV liked a status update by Takka, Replaced the third background option on OC for a new texture. Let me know how you r   
    Replaced the third background option on OC for a new texture. Let me know how you really feel.
  17. WaeV liked a status update by Sceny, 3500 posts; woooooo!   
    3500 posts; woooooo!
  18. WaeV liked a status update by Skeezix the Cat, Hey, apparently all CPUs in AMD's new lineup will be completely unlocked.  Looks li   
    Hey, apparently all CPUs in AMD's new lineup will be completely unlocked.  Looks like they're really looking to shake the high end CPU market back to life
  19. WaeV liked a status update by Skeezix the Cat, I heard you guys liked Halo mods...(warning: 1.1MB 6880x2880 image in spoiler)   
    I heard you guys liked Halo mods...(warning: 1.1MB 6880x2880 image in spoiler)
  20. WaeV liked a status update by Takka, Reminded me of you:   
    Reminded me of you:

  21. giraffe liked a status update by WaeV, Finally played my very own copy of the Halo 2 campaign, on an original Xbox. What   
    Finally played my very own copy of the Halo 2 campaign, on an original Xbox. What a blast! I'd played it at friend's houses before, but never my very own copy.
    Time to go back and beat it on legendary. And I still need to find the skulls!
  22. giraffe liked a status update by WaeV, Finally played my very own copy of the Halo 2 campaign, on an original Xbox. What   
    Finally played my very own copy of the Halo 2 campaign, on an original Xbox. What a blast! I'd played it at friend's houses before, but never my very own copy.
    Time to go back and beat it on legendary. And I still need to find the skulls!
  23. tarikja liked a status update by WaeV, Supermoon tonight! Closest it's been in 70 years.   
    Supermoon tonight! Closest it's been in 70 years.
  24. WaeV liked a status update by Takka, I've made an extra effort to back up the site tonight, in the likely event the Int   
    I've made an extra effort to back up the site tonight, in the likely event the Internet combusts following this election.
    We will rebuild!
  25. Skeezix the Cat liked a status update by WaeV, Member beware!   Spoiler You're in for a scare!     
    Member beware!