What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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About xastrosrulex

  • Birthday 11/05/1990

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  1. Not exactly, you can play with a certain tank and still have fun with it. If you want to get to higher tanks that are more powerful, there's some time investment in it, but mostly any tank is fun. I enjoy playing with a BT-2, which is one tank above the starting tank, and though its a small, beginner tank, i have a blast with it. Honestly its probably my favorite tank Back to the question, its more relaxed playing, but if you put effort into getting the best tank, some grinding will need to be done
  2. I played it when it was in beta, when it went live, i lost everything, only gave me a thank you crap tank so i quit for a long time. Recently( like 6 months ago), I got to playing it again and got some good tanks. I stopped again and now, as I type this, im downloading it again cause seeing this makes me want to play it again Ill come back and let yall know my name when I see it, forgot it EDIT: my name is xastrosrulex heh who knew
  3. Happy birthday you cat loving son of a gun!
  4. In my opinion, it doesn't really matter if it is changed or not. Under aged drinking still goes on, its everywhere here in college. For me, it boils down to responsibility and knowing your limit. My dad's old high school buddy, who is 50, is an alcoholic and he went to prison for 3 years because of DWI/DUI. Knowing your limits when you drink is also a good way to stay out of trouble. Ill have a set number of drinks when I go out and ill be done. All I'm saying is that it doesn't matter how old you really are. If you can be responsible, know your limits, and not be reckless, its fine with me
  5. Boo!@!!#)(!$EI)! but Yay!!)#(~!
  6. Thats what I say to bars that kicked us out for stupid things, Fuck 'em! You arent going to get my business ever again!
  7. Math 1324 or Math 141 for other colleges. Its not hard but cramming it in the summer makes it hard
  8. Ill be coming back to the site more often now that I have some free time
  9. When is a next game night featuring this? O the memories Tucker!
  10. Drinks at a local bar, then got drunk at the house with some friends playing darts. Man it sucks when you have to take a shot when they get a bullseye. Next night, did it all again!
  11. Shoot yeah where at in Texas? And my Summer I class is about to end next week. I must say Math sucks in the summer
  12. Since I havent been here in awhile, im guessing from reading from the last page that the server is still down? And Tucker what is going on breh!?
  13. Electric. When I do shave with just a razer, ill do it with no shaving cream or water. Why? Idk dont like to get my face wet I guess
  14. I want that sticker! And I got a random invitation from them also. When I graduated, they sent me one of those golden rope things for me to wear with my gown. They send me random e-mails about college stuff but im almost done with college so whats they point with them.