What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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About Floofies

  • Birthday 06/01/1993

Extra Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Georgia, USA
  • Interests
    Systems Design, Computer Programming, Warframe, Furry Fandom
  • Contributed
    $60 (US) to Open Carnage

Computer Details

  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. My office supplies MacBooks to all the administrators, specialists, and engineers. They run a spectrum of Mac OS versions since they don't have any configuration management installed. A lot of other company departments supply Windows 7/8/10 workstations in addition to Macs. We also use a menagerie of Linux distributions on over 8000 servers, lots and lots of Linux distributions. Debian, Ubuntu, Arch, CentOS, RHEL, SUSELES, OpenSUSE, and the list goes on!
  2. I've been working on programs which randomly generate art, it's a fun way to relax and be creative with code. The results have been interesting so far! I've named them Lin, Dot, and Fern. Adding more soon. You can see and run the "artists" here: https://floofies.github.io/artists/ Here's some interesting examples of what they can do:
  3. It's been a wild couple of months for me, and looking back I think I could probably say the same about the last 6 years. Right now I've become an alcoholic and I'm struggling to find my way in life, dealing with psychological damage that was caused by my ex boyfriend. In October I got away from my abusive, sociopath, child molesting ex, after a SWAT team busted down our front door at 6AM. I was no longer a handcuff virgin at that point, and they interrogated me for several hours as I slowly began to find out just who I had been living with for 6 years. He was in jail for several weeks and only recently got released, and this morning I found out one of his family members most likely told him my new address. The police arrested him because he was doing illegal things to avoid being detected as being on the sexual offender registry, and he was running sports programs for children at schools and gyms with an age limit of 14 years old. He has been on the registry since he was my age, 25, when he started luring minors into bookstore bathrooms with porn magazines. The police confiscated most of my computers and flash drives because of the possibility that there was evidence on them, and even took my beloved personal computer tower valued at around $2000. I've been limping along on a SFF workstation I picked out of the trash at CNN HQ, a former CNN Newsroom PC which isn't very useful for anything other than Runescape and web browsing. Turns out, after I got violently kicked out of my mom's house at 19, and he immediately let me move in with him, I had been a bit naive to assume it was innocent. He had his hand down my pants within a week of me "moving in". I was pretty much the perfect naive target for him; naive, pansexual, legal, and very young looking. For the entire 6 years I was with him, I had to deal with emotional abuse, manipulation, and gaslighting on almost a daily basis. Every single decision, no matter how small, had to go through him first. It took me about 2 weeks of being alone in October for my brain to begin to unwind, and for me to realize how unimaginably fucked the whole thing was. I then found out that he had molested my little brother when he was around 12 years old, and he's now pressing both criminal and civil charges against my ex. So far, the biggest insult of all has been that I've lost my core principles and changed into a different person. I'm angry all the time and listening to rock music I always hated, thinking violent thoughts, wanting to buy a gun just in case he finds me, and losing my humanitarian side I loved so dearly. I constantly believe the person I'm speaking to has some other agenda and is manipulating me. At the end of every day I can do nothing other than cower in my apartment, curl up in the fetal position on my unfurnished living room carpet, and listen to old 80's cassette tapes while I get drunk on Jack Daniels whiskey.
  4. Hey, you're into restoring and maintaining old motherboards, right? Anything in particular that someone interested in the field should know? :) I've heard capacitors can be a pain to deal with

    1. Floofies


      I like restoring old Apple hardware. The most common causes of death are electrolytic capacitors, clock batteries, and the environment.

      At least in the old Macs, we have what is called an "M-Bomb" AKA a red Maxell brand battery. They don't just leak, but explode with fire. It's always important to remove those.

    2. WaeV


      The niche I'm interested in is CRTs. It looks like capacitors are among the first components to go. No batteries to worry about, though.


      I love how the image path in these things is totally analog, and they were designed to be replaceable. In theory you could puzzle out a circuit just by looking at it. I'm so used to CPUs and software lol.


  5. Happy birthday OC! Where's the cake and presents? What do those mean to a website? Let's see... *server fans rev up to produce morse code* You want a stick of butter for your birthday? What for? *server fans rev up again* You want us... to rub it... on your–oOOoookay, we are definitely not doing that.
  6. Still alive! Well, as alive as an anxiety riddled no-life sysadmin could be, they have me working nights now and it's straight up suicide-inducing. I'd summarize what I've been up to and the projects I've been working on, but everything is far too complex for me to bear here. Sorry if anyone here feels ignored, or feels as if I've just done a U-turn after coming back.

    1. Skeezix the Cat

      Skeezix the Cat

      I love working nights lol.  Good to see you're alive though buddy

    2. ST34MF0X


      Hang in there, Floof. We're pulling for you.

    3. WaeV


      Hey stranger! Long time no see :) Good to hear from you

  7. Xubuntu 16.04, it's uptime is a 1:1 ratio to my productivity. Minimized my windows so you can see the wallpaper. :>
  8. What do you need to know?
  9. !!! What a surprise! I didn't expect to see my old banners on your profile!


    Also hello fellow dragon :D

    1. Vuthakral


      Hi lol, I still miss the old banner/ability to choose their colour. I actually didn't have acess to all the old RGB ones, just the blue one, I had to colour shift them, there's some minor issues but I think I got them just about right

      Oh right, also don't forget about the OpenCarnage National Anthem


  10. Kids are the worst! Last year I took a trip to Maui, Hawaii. On the way back home, from Maui to SF, I thought it was a good choice to book those economy plus seats; it turned out to be a big mistake. Seated in the seats in front of mine were two kids and their mom, with the dad across the aisle. The whole family, 2 kids and the parents, were all dressed in matching football jersies. I overheard mom on the phone: "The tenants wanted to know what that red stain was on their carpet, tell them it was pink play dough". And then, this very smart woman gave the kids a gigantic ball of pink play dough! Right there! In the plane! So, within 15 minutes, before we even take off, the mother is ripping one of the jersies off one of the kids while screaming at them. The poor kid was started crying. The mom was furious because... The kid smeared the play dough all over themselves. Gee, what a shocker... Dad had totally mentally fucked off as soon as he sat down, completely ignoring the insanity going on only feet away from him. He was in some far away place, staring into the abyss of what life would be like without having crazy monkey kids! Then, throughout the entire flight, it gets worse. She gives the kids all sorts of stuff like juice, and of course it gets dumped all over the place; 80% of the food they're given just winds up on the floor and literally into the air, over the back of the seats, and into my face. I even watched as one of the kids opened the armrest (containing a pull-out a tray) and dump an entire cup of fruit juice inside. Guess what was right below that? My brand new (at the time) tech-backpack, with an iPad and HP laptop inside, among a dozen other juice-sensitive electronics. My boyfriend formulated a theory that the mother stopped paying attention to the kids at key moments, in order to get attention for herself; he presumed that to her, bad attention is better than none at all. We confirmed this theory as we disembarked the plane, which is when mom started excitedly yelling very loud small-talk at a few random flight attendants. I felt so, so bad for the poor flight attendants who had to clean up after those kids. Juice: dumped. Water: dumped. Play dough: everywhere. Assorted foods: piled in mountains on the floor and seats. As I was boarding the connecting flight, a kid was running around me yelling, having a fun time. He then tripped over my bag... and his mom slapped the ever-loving shit out of him! I watched in awe and horror as this poor little happy kid got flung into the air by his ass.
  11. Oh hey, long time no see!

  12. Wow! Thank you!
  13. I took a look at what IPB uses, it is this editor: http://ckeditor.com/ As far as I can tell, it does have these features built-in: So it should just be a matter of enabling them.
  14. I've been meaning to try it for awhile. What's your username/display name?
  15. Companies like Lenovo always try to walk the line when it comes to bloat/ad/spyware, looks like Lenovo just crossed it.