What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


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Reputation Activity

  1. Takka liked a status update by Vuthakral, You can't stop me from posting here   
    You can't stop me from posting here
  2. Enclusion liked a status update by Vuthakral,     
  3. Vuthakral liked a status update by Floofies, !!! What a surprise! I didn't expect to see my old banners on your profile!     
    !!! What a surprise! I didn't expect to see my old banners on your profile!
    Also hello fellow dragon
  4. Vuthakral liked a status update by Sceny, Wise words from Tucker   
    Wise words from Tucker

  5. Sceny liked a status update by Vuthakral, Tucker thought he could keep me from the RGB of OpenCanage, but the joke is now on   
    Tucker thought he could keep me from the RGB of OpenCanage, but the joke is now on him as it is my new profile background.
  6. Sceny liked a status update by Vuthakral, Tucker thought he could keep me from the RGB of OpenCanage, but the joke is now on   
    Tucker thought he could keep me from the RGB of OpenCanage, but the joke is now on him as it is my new profile background.