What happened to OC? - CLOSED Carnage?!


Open Carnage runs no ads, so its content is entirely supported by your generous donations, sustaining both our hosting and raffle-based economy.

Those that've contributed at least $20 (US) have earned a flair of recognition, and extra perks otherwise only reserved for Regulars!

$20 Donor Perks
  • Badge of recognition beside posts.
  • Special usergroup in Discord.
  • Ability to remove own posts and topics.
  • Additional formatting options for text editor.
  • Double the storage space for attachments and PM's.
  • Double the allowed file size for profile header.
  • Allowed to hand out more likes per day.
  • More extensive PM features.
  • More signature options.

These perks never expire, unless abused.


(Since Feb 14th, 2012)

Takka $6,545
Pfhunkie $400
WaeV $390
Anthony $235
Btcc22 $225
Krazychic $170
Java $145
Google AdSense $100
jG- $100
Kavawuvi $100
Pra3tor1an $100
Kvasir $95
Skeezix the Cat $95
tarikja $95
Zatarita $90
Iggy $85
Sunstriker7 $75
Down Under $60
Floofies $60
PopeTX28 $60
Solaris $55
Forum Promotion $50
N01 $50
NeX $50
Reginasaurus $50
Vuthakral $45
dmb1 $40
giraffe $40
KasperZERO $40
nickweb $40
Sceny $40
Zukyak $40
DeadHamster $35
Aer $30
Luke $30
Pandora $30
Tripwire Interactive $30
=GG=DLBon $30
Chalwk $25
Conscars $25
Devieth $25
justinpyne $25
Pepsi $25
Puddin $25
Reus Art $25
stunt_man $25
(SBB) Storm $25
Abbie Doobie $20
aradii $20
Badga666 $20
Big Tree $20
Brad1023 $20
Broomish $20
DawnFatal $20
DiSiAC $20
Enclusion $20
Hiralis $20
Hunterkiller $20
icstars2 $20
Jerry $20
JSteezy $20
MEGASEAN2812 $20
Ryx $20
ShikuTeshi $20
TCK $20
Tiamat $20
v3nture $20
Weps $20
StarScream $5

Total: $10,570

Balance: $0

Recurring Transactions
Raffle -$50/mo
Hosting -$25/mo
Licensing -$10/mo
Discord RSS -$5/mo

Total: -$90/mo